Get Your Head in the Clouds

June 19, 2023

Apps can easily recognize and synthesize with Azure Speech

Easily add cloud-based speech recognition and speech synthesis to your apps simply by using the latest SpeechKit classes that support Microsoft's Azure Speech.

SpeechKit now includes support for the latest Microsoft Speech SDK 1.29. This means C++Builder, C++, Delphi, Java, and .NET apps have access to use cloud resources simply by instantiating the MCSRecognizer and MCSSynthesizer classes. MCSSynthesizer synchronizes UI events (bookmark, viseme, word position) during real-time playback to output devices (you are not daydreaming).

Testing can be accomplished interactively in the Developer Workbench. See Knowledge Base article H032309 for details about developing and testing apps that speak and listen with Azure Speech.

Let us know if you would like to know more, if you need assistance, or have questions. We can provide turnkey apps if you no longer want to build them yourself.