No recognition alternates returned for VoCon 3200
Last reviewed: 7/8/2010
PRB Article ID: P071004
The information in this article applies to:
- SpeechKit 6
Setting CNPMaxAlternates does not generate any alternates on the ChantSREvent recognition result object.
This is by design. Only WordAlternates are provided on the ChantWord object for VoCon 3200 V2.
VoCon V2 and V3 by default return up to 3 recognition matches where the one with the highest confidence is returned as the recognition result. The results with lower confidence values are discarded. Since VoCon V3 does not provide WordAlternates, recognition result alternates with lower confidence are now returned as alternates in SpeechKit build The CNPMaxAlternates value is honored and passed to VoCon V2 and V3 to reduce or increase the number of possible alternates. HasPhraseHypothesis and HasCommandHypothesis continue to return rejected recognition results in both VoCon V2 and V3.
Component Formats Impacted
All component formats.