How do I set the installation directory for Vocalizer runtimes?

Last reviewed: 12/26/2009

HOW Article ID: H120914

The information in this article applies to:

  • CDW 2008
  • LexiconKit 3
  • ProfileKit 3
  • SpeechKit 6
  • VoiceMarkupKit 3


The CSPEnginePath string property is used to set the path to where speech engine DLLs are located. For Nuance RealSpeak Solo and Vocalizer speech synthesis engines, CSPEnginePath is the installation directory path and not the folder where the .DLLs are located.

More Information

Specify a directory install path for the Mobile and Automotive and directory path for the language libraries.

ChantVM1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CEVAutomotive)
// Win32 - Set the path to the Vocalizer install path
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "c:\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Automotive v5\\")      
// Win32 - Set for each path to the language files
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPLanguagePath, "c:\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Automotive v5\\languages")      
// Or
ChantVM1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CEVMOBILE)
// Win32 - Set the path to the Vocalizer install path
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "c:\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Mobile V5\\")      
// Win32 - Set for each path to the language files
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPLanguagePath, "c:\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Mobile V5\\languages")      

ChantVM1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CEVAutomotive)
// WinCE - Set the path to the Vocalizer install path
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Automotive\\")      
// WinCE - Set for each path to the language files
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPLanguagePath, "\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Automotive\\languages")
// Or
ChantVM1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CEVMOBILE)
// WinCE - Set the path to the Vocalizer install path
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Mobile\\")      
// WinCE - Set for each path to the language files
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPLanguagePath, "\\Program Files\\Nuance\\Vocalizer for Mobile\\languages")

Specify a directory install path for the RealSpeak Solo.

ChantVM1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CERSSOLOTTS)
// Win32 - Set the path to the RSSolo install path
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "c:\\Program Files\\Scansoft\\RealSpeakSolov4\\")      
// WinCE - Set the path to the RSSolo install path
ChantVM1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "\\Program Files\\Scansoft\\RealSpeakSolo")