How do I set DDG2P and CLC Models for VoCon 3200 V3?

Last reviewed: 12/26/2009

HOW Article ID: H120912

The information in this article applies to:

  • CDW 2008
  • GrammarKit 3
  • LexiconKit 3
  • ProfileKit 3
  • SpeechKit 6


VoCon 3200 V3 recognizer is transitioning away from using an external G2P for mapping words to phonetic transcriptions. Common linguistic component (CLC) and data driven G2P (DDG2P) models are provided as an alternative.

More Information

The CLC and DDG2P models can be set with new Chant string properties: CSPCLCModel and CSPDDG2PModel respectively.

// Win32 - Set the file name of CLC model
ChantSR1.SetStringProperty(CSPCLCModel, "C:\\Program Files\\Nuance\\vocon3200\\EDS_v3_3\models\\clc_enu_cfg3_v1_0_0.dat")
// Win32 - Or set the file name of DDG2P model
ChantSR1.SetStringProperty(CSPDDG2PModel, "C:\\Program Files\\Nuance\\vocon3200\\EDS_v3_3\models\\ddg2p_enu_vadvde_ttsasr_large_v2_1_3.dat")

// WinCE - Copy the models to a common directory or your application directory
// WinCE - Set the file name of CLC model
ChantSR1.SetStringProperty(CSPCLCModel, "\\Program Files\\YourAppDir\\clc_enu_cfg3_v1_0_0.dat")
// WinCE - Or set the file name of DDG2P model
ChantSR1.SetStringProperty(CSPDDG2PModel, "\\Program Files\\YourAppDir\\ddg2p_enu_vadvde_ttsasr_large_v2_1_3.dat")

The CLC and DDG2P models can be set in Chant Developer Workbench under the View menu. Select Options..., expand Environment, expand Speech Recognizer, and select the Nuance VoCon 3200.