How do I develop applications with new features in Kinect 1.6?

Last reviewed: 11/9/2012

HOW Article ID: H111202

The information in this article applies to:

  • KinectKit


Kinect 1.6 runtime introduces new features for capturing and converting Kinect sensor data. KinectKit supports the new features in Kinect 1.6 runtime.

More Information

Kinect 1.6 runtime introduces new features for capturing and converting Kinect sensor data. These features include:

  • The Kinect sensor's infrared stream is now exposed as a new color image format.
  • Depth image pixel data now provides details beyond 4 meters.
  • The color camera settings can now be optimized to your environment.
  • The new raw Bayer color image format enables you to do your own Bayer to RGB conversions on central processing units (CPUs) or graphics processing units (GPUs).
  • Data from the sensor's accelerometer enables detection of the sensor's orientation.
  • There are new ways to convert data between coordinate spaces: color, depth, and skeleton. One way is for converting individual pixels and the other is for converting an entire image frame.

KinectKit supports the new features in Kinect 1.6 runtime with the following enhancements:

  • New ColorImageFormat types: InfraredResolution640x480Fps30, RawBayerResolution1280x960Fps12, and RawBayerResolution640x480Fps30.
  • New KinectSensor class ForceInfraredEmitterOff property.
  • New DepthImagePixel structure and DepthImageFrame class CopyDepthImagePixelDataTo method.
  • New ColorCameraSettings class for accessing and setting color camera properties.
  • New KinectSensor class AccelerometerGetCurrentReading method.
  • New CoordinateMapper class for converting between the different coordinate spaces (color, depth, and skeleton) with points and frames.

For additional help with KinectKit, contact Chant Support via Chant Support Contacts or web.