How do I create and destroy Chant objects in C++Builder and Delphi?
Last reviewed: 10/1/2011
HOW Article ID: H101102
The information in this article applies to:
- GrammarKit 4
- LexiconKit 4
- ProfileKit 4
- SpeechKit 7
- VoiceMarkupKit 4
The new Chant C++Builder and Delphi class libraries in CDW 2011 provide you version independent Chant object classes that you can instantiate and destroy as needed. You are no longer tied to form initialization or termination.
More Information
Examples of instantiating and destroying your Chant class objects in C++Builder applications are illustrated in the following Knowledge Base articles:
- Developing C++Builder applications that manage grammars
- Developing C++Builder applications that manage lexicons
- Developing C++Builder applications that manage profiles
- Developing C++Builder applications that speak and listen
- Developing C++Builder applications that manage markup
Examples of instantiating and destroying your Chant class objects in Delphi applications are illustrated in the following Knowledge Base articles:
- Developing Delphi applications that manage grammars
- Developing Delphi applications that manage lexicons
- Developing Delphi applications that manage profiles
- Developing Delphi applications that speak and listen
- Developing Delphi applications that manage markup
However, it is very important that you destroy any objects you obtain through Get methods as well as those you create.
int numberOfEngines = pChantTTS->GetResourceCount(CSREngine);
for (i = 0; i < numberOfEngines; i++)
CChantTTSEngine* pChantTTSEngine = pChantTTS->GetChantTTSEngine(i);
// Access speech synthesis engine properties
String stringVal = pChantTTSEngine->GetEngine();
// Destroy the engine object
delete pChantTTSEngine;
aTChantTTSEngine: TChantTTSEngine;
numberOfEngines: Integer;
i: Integer;
stringVal: string;
numberOfEngines := ChantTTS1.GetResourceCount(CSREngine);
for i := 0 to numberOfEngines - 1 do
aTChantTTSEngine := ChantTTS1.GetChantTTSEngine(nIndex);
// Access speech synthesis engine properties
stringVal := aTChantTTSEngine.Engine;
// Destroy the engine object