How do I use wildcards in command vocabularies?
Last reviewed: 9/1/2012
HOW Article ID: H091201
The information in this article applies to:
- SpeechKit 7
Wildcards can be used with Chant command vocabularies that map to Microsoft and Nuance grammars to accommodate noise words in utterances.
Chant command vocabularies map to Microsoft and Nuance grammars. Both grammar syntax support wildcard terminals.
Wildcards can be used to allow for matches when there are addition phrase words such as: please, may I, etc., in utterances.
More Information
Wildcards are represented in command phrases using an ellipse. For example:
- ... time ...
- ... date ...
could be used for command phrases such as "what time is it" and "what is today's date".
Wildcards offer an application a way to match for specific keywords without clutter of additional spoken words.
For additional help with command vocabularies, contact Chant Support via or web.