How do I synthesize with Cepstral Version 5 voices?
Last reviewed: 9/10/2008
HOW Article ID: H090817
The information in this article applies to:
- SpeechKit 6
The ChantTTS component supports native Cepstral for Windows desktop, server, and mobile platforms.
With SpeechKit 6, you can synthesize with Cepstral Version 5 voices also.
More Information
Cepstral voices have been enhanced in the latest version 5 release of SWIFTCepstral's native speech API.
In SpeechKit 6, the ChantTTS component now supports version 5 release of SWIFT. For native SWIFT API access, the ChantTTS component attempts to load the swift.dll runtime library from Cepstral default installation C:\Program Files\Cepstral\bin (Win32) or \Program Files\Cepstral (WinCE) directory. If the libraries fail to load, the ChantTTS component attempts to load the libraries from the current working directory.
To specify a directory location for the libraries, set the CNPEngineAPI and CSPEnginePath properties after instantiating the ChantTTS class object:
ChantTTS1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CESWIFTTTS)
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "c:\\yourpath\\tothelibraries")
Your application may select a Cepstral voice by name (e.g., Cepstral Callie) using the CSPEngine property as follows:
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEngine, "Cepstral Callie")
The ChantTTS text-to-speech engine enumerator includes the version number in the name to distinguish the native API access to the voice from SAPI access to the voice. For example, to select native SWIFT API access to Cepstral Callie, your application selects the voice as follows:
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEngine, "Cepstral Callie 16kHz 5.0.0")