How do I synthesize with Nuance Vocalizer voices?

Last reviewed: 9/10/2008

HOW Article ID: H090816

The information in this article applies to:

  • SpeechKit 6


The ChantTTS component supports native Cepstral and Nuance RealSpeak voices for Windows Mobile platforms.

With SpeechKit 6, you can synthesize with Nuance Vocalizer voices for Windows Mobile platforms also.

More Information

Nuance Vocalizer voices provide full-feature synthesis with a very small footprint. This is highly desirable for Windows Mobile applications.

In SpeechKit 6, the ChantTTS component now supports native API support for Nuance Vocalizer voices. The ChantTTS component attempts to load the API libraries from the current working directory. Your application needs access to the following runtime libraries (i.e., copy files to your application directory):

  • vmobilev5_api.dll
  • vmobilev5_common.dll

For web pages, copy these files to the Windows directory since IE is the application running the JavaScript.

You must also specify one or more directory paths for the language libraries. Set the CNPEngineAPI and CSPEnginePath properties after instantiating the ChantTTS component object:

ChantTTS1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CEVMOBILE)
// Win32 - Set the path to the Vocalizer runtime libraries
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "c:\\yourpath\\tothelibraries")      
// WinCE - Copy the runtime libraries to your application directory
// Win32 - Set for each path to the language files
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "c:\\yourpath\\tothelibraries\\languages")      
// WinCE - Set for each path to the language files
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "\\yourpath\\tothelibraries\\languages")      

Your application may select a Vocalizer voice by name (e.g., Nuance Vocalizer tom_16kHz) using the CSPEngine property as follows:

ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEngine, "Nuance Vocalizer tom_16kHz")