How do I initialize app without accessing SAPI or SMAPI?
Last reviewed: 8/1/2001
HOW Article ID: H080104
The information in this article applies to:
- SpeechKit 3 and higher
Loading a VB form with the Chant component (ChantSR or ChantTTS) on it causes SAPI to initialize. This is because the ActiveX property exchange is going to cause the component to initialize. The component will enumerate engines and load up application framework definitions from the system registry. It will check for SAPI5, SAPI4(SAPI3), and SMAPI.
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You can place the component on a form that is not loaded on intialization and then load the form when needed. Alternatively, you can use the COM Server DLL component (Not the ActiveX one) because you instantiate an instance of the component with the Set New statement when you need it initialized.