How do I interact with users for hands-free operation?
Last reviewed: 7/8/2021
HOW Article ID: H072117
The information in this article applies to:
- Talk&Listen 2
Applications interact with end users by talking and listening and offering hands-free operation.
More Information
Chant Developer Workbench 2021 includes Talk&Listen application helper to simplify the process of integrating speech synthesis and speech recognition for hands-free operation.
Sometimes applications need a simple way to synthesize and recognize. Chant Talk&Listen application helper enables applications to synthesize and recognize speech without having to worry about events, properties, and callback handlers.
// Instantiate TalkListen
NTalkListen _TalkListen = new NTalkListen();
if (_TalkListen != null)
// Set license properties
//_TalkListen.SetLicense("LicenseRegistrationNumber", "LicenseSerialNumber");
// Else, for evaluation, set only evaluation serial number
_TalkListen.SetLicense(string.Empty, "EvaluationSerialNumber");
NSAPI5Synthesizer _Synthesizer = _TalkListen.CreateSAPI5Synthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer != null)
_Synthesizer.Talk("This is the easiest way to synthesize.");
NSAPI5Recognizer _Recognizer = _TalkListen.CreateSAPI5Recognizer();
if (_Recognizer != null)
string recognitionResults = _Recognizer.Listen();
// Instantiate TalkListen object
CTalkListen* _TalkListen = new CTalkListen();
if (_TalkListen =! NULL)
// Set license properties
//_TalkListen->SetLicense(L"LicenseRegistrationNumber", L"LicenseSerialNumber");
// Else, for evaluation, set only evaluation serial number
_TalkListen->SetLicense(L"", L"EvaluationSerialNumber");
// Create synthesizer
CSAPI5Synthesizer* _Synthesizer = _TalkListen->CreateSAPI5Synthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer != NULL)
_Synthesizer->Talk(L"This is the easiest way to synthesize.");
// Create recognizer
CSAPI5Recognizer* _Recognizer = _TalkListen->CreateSAPI5Recognizer();
if (_Recognizer != NULL)
wchar_t* pszRecognitionResults = _Recognizer->Listen();
// Instantiate TalkListen object
CTalkListen* _TalkListen = new CTalkListen();
if (_TalkListen =! NULL)
// Set license properties
//_TalkListen->SetLicense("LicenseRegistrationNumber", "LicenseSerialNumber");
// Else, for evaluation, set only evaluation serial number
_TalkListen->SetLicense("", "EvaluationSerialNumber");
// Create synthesizer
CSAPI5Synthesizer* _Synthesizer = _TalkListen->CreateSAPI5Synthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer != NULL)
_Synthesizer->Talk("This is the easiest way to synthesize.");
// Create recognizer
CSAPI5Recognizer* _Recognizer = _TalkListen->CreateSAPI5Recognizer();
if (_Recognizer != NULL)
String recognitionResults = _Recognizer->Listen();
_TalkListen: TTalkListen;
_Recognizer: TSAPI5Recognizer;
_Synthesizer: TSAPI5Synthesizer;
recognitionResults: string;
// Instantiate TalkListen object
_TalkListen := TTalkListen.Create();
if (_TalkListen <> nil) then
// Set license properties
//_TalkListen.SetLicense('LicenseRegistrationNumber', 'LicenseSerialNumber');
// Else, for evaluation, set only evaluation serial number
_TalkListen.SetLicense('', 'EvaluationSerialNumber');
// Create synthesizer
_Synthesizer := _TalkListen.CreateSAPI5Synthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer <> nil) then
_Synthesizer.Talk('This is the easiest way to synthesize.');
// Create recognizer
_Recognizer := _TalkListen.CreateSAPI5Recognizer();
if (_Recognizer <> nil) then
recognitionResults := _Recognizer.Listen();
// Create TalkListen object
JTalkListen _TalkListen = new JTalkListen();
// Set license properties
//_TalkListen.setLicense("LicenseRegistrationNumber", "LicenseSerialNumber");
// Else, for evaluation, set only evaluation serial number
_TalkListen.setLicense("", "EvaluationSerialNumber");
JSAPI5Synthesizer _Synthesizer = _TalkListen.createSAPI5Synthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer != null)
{"This is the easiest way to synthesize.");
JSAPI5Recognizer _Recognizer = _TalkListen.createSAPI5Recognizer();
if (_Recognizer != null)
String recognitionResults = _Recognizer.listen();
Dim _TalkListen As NTalkListen
Dim _Recognizer As NSAPI5Recognizer
Dim _Synthesizer As NSAPI5Synthesizer
Dim resultsResults As String
' Instantiate TalkListen
_TalkListen = New NTalkListen()
If (_TalkListen IsNot Nothing) Then
' Set license properties
'_TalkListen.SetLicense("LicenseRegistrationNumber", "LicenseSerialNumber")
' Else, for evaluation, set only evaluation serial number
_TalkListen.SetLicense(String.Empty, "EvaluationSerialNumber")
_Synthesizer = _TalkListen.CreateSAPI5Synthesizer()
If (_Synthesizer IsNot Nothing) Then
_Synthesizer.Talk("This is the easiest way to synthesize.")
End If
_Recognizer = _TalkListen.CreateSAPI5Recognizer()
If (_Recognizer IsNot Nothing) Then
resultsResults = _Recognizer.Listen()
End If
End If
Syntax Options
The Talk method has two optional parameters that may be used to control speech synthesis:
- text - (required) The text to synthesize.
- name - (optional) The speech synthesizer voice name.
- async - (optional) True or False for asynchronous synthesis. Note some synthesizers only perform asynchronous synthesis. The default is False.
The Listen method has three optional parameters that may be used to control speech recognition:
- timeout - (optional) The maximum time to listen in seconds. If the value is 0, listening occurs until speech is recognized.
- commands - (optional) A comma separated list of phrases to use for recognition.
- grammar - (optional) The file path of a speech recognition grammar to use for recognition.
- name - (optional) The speech recognizer name or language.
Development and Deployment
Talk&Listen applications require the Talk&Listen library and the applicable SpeechKit Speech API library:
- C++Builder, C++, and Delphi applications require the Talk&Listen library (CTalkListen.dll or CTalkListenX64.dll) and the applicable SpeechKit Speech API library in the same directory as the application .exe.
- Java applications require the talklisten.jar and chant.shared.jar in the target system Java JRE lib directory and/or ensure the classpath includes the path where the talklisten.jar and chant.shared.jar libraries are placed on the target system. The Talk&Listen library (JTalkListen.dll or JTalkListenX64.dll) and the applicable SpeechKit Speech API library must be in the target system Java JRE bin directory.
- C# and VB .NET applications require the assembly library (Chant.TalkListen.Windows) embedded in the application or located in the same directory as the application .exe. The Talk&Listen library (NTalkListen.dll or NTalkListenX64.dll) must be registered as a COM library on the target system and the applicable SpeechKit Speech API library in the same directory as the application .exe.
Speech API | SpeechKit Speech API class | SpeechKit Speech API library |
Acapela TTS | xAcaTTSSynthesizer | CSpeechKit.AcaTTS.dll or CSpeechKitX64.AcaTTS.dll |
Cepstral Swift | xSwiftSynthesizer | CSpeechKit.Swift.dll or CSpeechKitX64.Swift.dll |
CereProc CereVoice | xCereVoiceSynthesizer | CSpeechKit.CereVoice.dll or CSpeechKitX64.CereVoice.dll |
Microsoft SAPI 5 | xSAPI5Recognizer or xSAPI5Synthesizer | CSpeechKit.SAPI5.dll or CSpeechKitX64.SAPI5.dll |
Microsoft Speech Platform | xMSPRecognizer or xMSPSynthesizer | CSpeechKit.MSP.dll or CSpeechKitX64.MSP.dll |
Microsoft WindowsMedia (WinRT C++) | xWindowsMediaRecognizer or xWindowsMediaSynthesizer | CSpeechKit.WinRT.dll or CSpeechKitX64.WinRT.dll |
Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking | xDgnRecognizer | CSpeechKit.Dgn.dll or CSpeechKitX64.Dgn.dll |
where x is C for C++Builder and C++; T for Delphi; J for Java; and N for .NET.