Generating, Editing, and Speaking Pronunciations with Azure Speech
Last reviewed: 7/16/2023
HowTo Article ID: H032310
The information in this article applies to:
- Chant Developer Workbench 2023
- LexiconKit 9
Working with phonemes to generate, edit, and speak pronunciations with Azure Speech
Applications can speak clearly when synthesizing with Microsoft Azure Speech by creating pronunciations.
Developing Apps for Azure Speech with LexiconKit
LexiconKit supports tailoring lexicons for more accurate speech recognition and precise word pronunciation when synthesizing.
Lexicons may be created and edited interactively in the Developer Workbench that access Microsoft Azure Speech cloud resources.
Applications may use the MCSSynthesizer class to access the Microsoft Cognitive Services speech API that provides access to Microsoft Azure Speech cloud resources.
Tailoring Pronuncations in the Developer Workbench
LexiconKit provides a comprehensive development and testing environment to generate, edit, and test phonemes with Azure Speech. Type and listen to changes on demand.
Easily select the speaking language and the phoneme alphabet to generate and edit word pronunciations in the lexicon document.
Review the details explained in PLS Lexicon Editing.
Tailoring Pronuncations in Apps
LexiconKit includes the MCSSynthesizer class to enumerate Azure Speech Voices for tailoring pronunciations.
To generate a lexicon word pronunciation, simply pass the word, the word type (i.e., part of speech), language, and alphabet to LexiconKit. To speak a lexicon word pronunciation, simply pass the phonemes, language, and alphabet to LexiconKit.
// Instantiate LexiconKit
NLexiconKit _LexiconKit = new NLexiconKit();
if (_LexiconKit != null)
// Set credentials
NMCSSynthesizer _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit.CreateMCSSynthesizer("speechKey", "speechRegion");
if (_Synthesizer != null)
string phonemes = _Synthesizer.GeneratePhonemes("tomato", "Noun", "en-US", "ipa");
_Synthesizer.SpeakPhonemes(phonemes, "en-US", "ipa");
// Instantiate LexiconKit object
CLexiconKit* _LexiconKit = new CLexiconKit();
if (_LexiconKit != NULL)
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
CMCSSynthesizer* _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit->CreateMCSSynthesizer(L"speechKey", L"speechRegion");
if (_Synthesizer != NULL)
wchar_t* phonemes = _Synthesizer->GeneratePhonemes(L"tomato", L"Noun", L"en-US", L"ipa");
_Synthesizer->SpeakPhonemes(phonemes, L"en-US", L"ipa");
delete _Synthesizer;
delete _LexiconKit;
// Instantiate LexiconKit object
CLexiconKit* _LexiconKit = new CLexiconKit();
if (_LexiconKit != NULL)
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
CMCSSynthesizer* _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit->CreateMCSSynthesizer("speechKey", "speechRegion");
if (_Synthesizer != NULL)
String phonemes = _Synthesizer->GeneratePhonemes("tomato", "Noun", "en-US", "ipa");
_Synthesizer->SpeakPhonemes(phonemes, "en-US", "ipa");
delete _Synthesizer;
delete _LexiconKit;
_LexiconKit: TLexiconKit;
_Synthesizer: TMCSSynthesizer;
phonemes: string;
// Instantiate LexiconKit object
_LexiconKit := TLexiconKit.Create();
if (_LexiconKit <> nil) then
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
_Synthesizer := _LexiconKit.CreateMCSSynthesizer('speechKey', 'speechRegion');
if (_Synthesizer <> nil) then
phonemes := _Synthesizer.GeneratePhonemes('tomato', 'Noun', 'en-US', 'ipa');
_Synthesizer.SpeakPhonemes(phonemes, 'en-US', 'ipa');
JLexiconKit _LexiconKit = new JLexiconKit();
if (_LexiconKit != null)
// Set credentials
JMCSSynthesizer _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit.createMCSSynthesizer("speechKey", "speechRegion");
if (_Synthesizer != null)
String phonemes = _Synthesizer.generatePhonemes("tomato", "Noun", "en-US", "ipa");
phonemes = _Synthesizer.speakPhonemes(phonemes, "en-US", "ipa");
Dim _LexiconKit As NLexiconKit
Dim WithEvents _Synthesizer As NMCSSynthesizer
Dim phonemes As String
' Instantiate LexiconKit
_LexiconKit = New NLexiconKit()
If (_LexiconKit IsNot Nothing) Then
' Set credentials
_Synthesizer = _LexiconKit.CreateMCSSynthesizer("speechKey", "speechRegion")
If (_Synthesizer IsNot Nothing) Then
phonemes = _Synthesizer.GeneratePhonemes("tomato", "Noun", "en-US", "ipa")
_Synthesizer.SpeakPhonemes(phonemes, "en-US", "ipa")
End If
End If
Review the details explained in Generating, Editing, Speaking, and Persisting Pronunciations.