How do I develop optimized cross platform apps with/without platform- and API-specific code?

Last reviewed: 3/25/2023

HOW Article ID: H032303

The information in this article applies to:

  • SpeechKit 12


Explore the power of common classes that provide platform independent access to platform APIs.

More Information

Cross platform development frameworks enable application code to be written once and compiled to target multiple deployment options.

Chant classes continue to enable apps to access API-specific services on various platforms. For cross platform apps, this requires platform checks when allocating objects and handling events.

The updated Chant classes are now factored to enable common classes to be used cross platform and default to a platform-specific API. This eliminates the need for platform checks when allocating objects and handling events.

The ChantRecognizer class handles speech recognition and ChantSynthesizer handles speech synthesis for apps on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows platforms. Platform APIs default as follows:

Speech APIPlatforms
Apple SpeechiOS, macOS
Google android.speechAndroid
Microsoft WindowsMediaWindows

Apps are not locked into using the default platform API. API-specific classes may be allocated and used at any time.

JChantRecognizer _Recognizer = null;
JChantSynthesizer _Synthesizer = null;
JSpeechKit _SpeechKit = null;
_SpeechKit = new JSpeechKit();
// Create Synthesizer
_Recognizer = _SpeechKit.createChantRecognizer();
if (_Recognizer != null) {
    // Set the callback
    // Register Callbacks
    // Set app context
// Create Synthesizer
_Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.createChantSynthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer != null)
    // Set the callback
    // Register Callbacks for engine init
    // Set app context

NSpeechKit _SpeechKit = null;
NChantRecognizer _Recognizer = null;
NChantSynthesizer _Synthesizer = null;
// Instantiate SpeechKit
_SpeechKit = new NSpeechKit();
if (_SpeechKit != null)
    // Set credentials
    _Recognizer = _SpeechKit.CreateChantRecognizer();
    if (_Recognizer != null)
        _Recognizer.RecognitionCommand += this.Recognizer_RecognitionCommand;
    _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.CreateChantSynthesizer();
    if (_Synthesizer != null)
        _Synthesizer.WordPosition += Synthesizer_WordPosition;

CSpeechKit* _SpeechKit;
CChantRecognizer* _Recognizer;
CChantSynthesizer* _Synthesizer;
_SpeechKit = new CSpeechKit();
if (_SpeechKit =! NULL)
    // Set credentials
    // Create recognizer
    _Recognizer = _SpeechKit->CreateChantRecognizer();
    if (_Recognizer != NULL)
        // Register Event Handlers
    // Create synthesizer
    _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit->CreateChantSynthesizer();
    if (_Synthesizer != NULL)
        // Register Event Handlers

CSpeechKit* _SpeechKit;
CChantRecognizer* _Recognizer;
CChantSynthesizer* _Synthesizer;
_SpeechKit = new CSpeechKit();
if (_SpeechKit =! NULL)
    // Set credentials
    // Create recognizer
    _Recognizer = _SpeechKit->CreateChantRecognizer();
    if (_Recognizer != NULL)
        // Register Event Handlers
    // Create synthesizer
    _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit->CreateChantSynthesizer();
    if (_Synthesizer != NULL)
        // Register Event Handlers

_SpeechKit: TSpeechKit;
_Recognizer: TChantRecognizer;
_Synthesizer: TChantSynthesizer;
    // Instantiate SpeechKit object
    _SpeechKit := TSpeechKit.Create();
    if (_SpeechKit <> nil) then
        // Set credentials

        // Create recognizer
        _Recognizer := _SpeechKit.CreateChantRecognizer();

        if (_Recognizer <> nil) then
            // Register Event Handlers
            _Recognizer.RecognitionCommand := RecognitionCommand;

        // Create synthesizer
        _Synthesizer := _SpeechKit.CreateChantSynthesizer();

        if (_Synthesizer <> nil) then
            // Register Event Handlers
            _Synthesizer.WordPosition := WordPosition;

JSpeechKit _SpeechKit = null;
JChantRecognizer _Recognizer = null;
JChantSynthesizer _Synthesizer = null;

// Create SpeechKit object
_SpeechKit = new JSpeechKit();
// Set credentials

_Recognizer = _SpeechKit.createChantRecognizer();
if (_Recognizer != null)
    // Set the callback object
    // Register for callbacks

_Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.createChantSynthesizer();
if (_Synthesizer != null)
    // Set the callback object
    // Register for callbacks

@property (strong, nonatomic) SPSpeechKit* speechKit;
@property (strong, nonatomic) SPChantRecognizer* recognizer;
@property (strong, nonatomic) SPChantSynthesizer* synthesizer;
_speechKit = [[SPSpeechKit alloc] init];
if (_speechKit != nil)
    // Set credentials
    [_speechKit setCredentials:@"Credentials"];

    _recognizer = [_speechKit createChantRecognizer];
    if (_recognizer != nil)
        [_recognizer setDelegate:(id<SPChantRecognizerDelegate>)self];
    _synthesizer = [_speechKit createChantSynthesizer];
    if (_synthesizer != nil)
        [_synthesizer setDelegate:(id<SPChantSynthesizerDelegate>)self];

var _SpeechKit: SPSpeechKit? = nil
var _Recognizer: SPChantRecognizer? = nil
var _Synthesizer: SPChantSynthesizer? = nil
SpeechKit = SPSpeechKit()
if (_SpeechKit != nil)
    // Set credentials
    _ = _SpeechKit!.setCredentials(credentials: "Credentials")
    _Recognizer = _SpeechKit!.createChantRecognizer()
    if (_Recognizer != nil)
        _Recognizer!.delegate = self
    _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit!.createChantSynthesizer()
    if (_Synthesizer != nil)
        _Synthesizer!.delegate = self

Dim _SpeechKit As NSpeechKit
Dim WithEvents _Recognizer As NChantRecognizer
Dim WithEvents _Synthesizer As NChantSynthesizer
Private Sub Window_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded
    ' Instantiate SpeechKit
    _SpeechKit = New NSpeechKit()
    If (_SpeechKit IsNot Nothing) Then
        ' Set credentials
        _Recognizer = _SpeechKit.CreateChantRecognizer()
        _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.CreateChantSynthesizer()
    End If
End Sub

Review the details of cross platform development discussed in the Integrating SpeechKit section for your favorite development tool and programming language.

Speech recognition and synthesis event result arguments are designed and classes factored to allow for shared common properties and downcasting for access to unique API-specific property values.

Review the details in CDW 2023 Downcasting event results to API-specific objects.