How do I validate and test VoiceXML with VoiceXMLKit?

Last reviewed: 3/4/2013

HOW Article ID: H031307

The information in this article applies to:

  • VoiceXMLKit


End users typically interact with VoiceXML applications running on servers over a phone connection.

VoiceXMLKit provides tools developing and testing VoiceXML applications offline before the VoiceXML documents are deployed to servers.

More Information

The VoiceXMLKit conversation management component is designed to provide you a lot of flexiblity and minimize the programming necessary to validate and interpret VoiceXML.

To run a VoiceXML application, use the OpenSession method to create a session, then simply use RunDocument method to interpret the VoiceXML document. For example:

// Validate a VoiceXML document

// Validate a VoiceXML document
pChantXM->CompileDocument(L"mydocument.vxml", 0, CVSFile, CCPAsynchronous);

// Validate a VoiceXML document
pChantXM->CompileDocument("mydocument.vxml", 0, CVSFile, CCPAsynchronous);

// Validate a VoiceXML document
ChantXM1.CompileDocument('mydocument.vxml', 0, CVSFile, CCPAsynchronous);

// Validate a VoiceXML document
JChantXM1.compileDocument("mydocument.vxml", 0, CVSFile, ChantCompileOption.CCPAsynchronous);

' Validate a VoiceXML document

To run a validate a VoiceXML document use the CompileDocument method. For example:

// Open session
_SessionID = NChantXM1.OpenSession();
// Interpret the document
NChantXM1.RunDocument(_SessionID, "mydocument.vxml");

// Open session
_SessionID = pChantXM->OpenSession();
// Interpret the document
pChantXM->RunDocument(_SessionID, L"mydocument.vxml");

// Open session
_SessionID = pChantXM->OpenSession();
// Interpret the document
pChantXM->RunDocument(_SessionID, "mydocument.vxml");

// Open session
_SessionID = NChantXM1.OpenSession();
// Interpret the document
ChantXM1.RunDocument(_SessionID, 'mydocument.vxml');

// Open session
_SessionID = JChantXM1.OpenSession();
// Interpret the document
JChantXM1.RunDocument(_SessionID, "mydocument.vxml");

' Open session
_SessionID = NChantXM1.OpenSession()
' Interpret the document
NChantXM1.RunDocument(_SessionID, "mydocument.vxml")

To stop the VoiceXML application, simply use the CloseSession method. For example:

// Close session when CCXMDone event fires

// Close session when CCXMDone event fires

// Close session when CCXMDone event fires

// Close session when CCXMDone event fires

// Close session when CCXMDone event fires

' Close session when CCXMDone event fires

Within Chant Developer Workbench, open the VoiceXML document and select the Compile Document menu item or press the toolbar button to validate the document.

VoiceXML Document Validation

To test the document with Chant Developer Workbench, select the Run Document menu itme or press the toolbar button to invoke the VoiceXMLKit interpreter.

VoiceXML Document Testing

For additional help with VoiceXMLKit, contact Chant Support via Chant Support Contacts or web.