How can I tune VoCon with engine parameters?
Last reviewed: 03/31/2009
HOW Article ID: H030901
The information in this article applies to:
- SpeechKit 6
The Nuance VoCon speech recognition engine is a highly scalable, flexible speech recognizer and can be configured to run differently on the basis of grammar types.
SpeechKit 6 configures the context and recognizer to use optimal default settings to address a variety of grammar types.
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In some cases however, grammars may be comprised of simple words or short phrases where adjusting silence detection values can yield faster recognition result processing.
In SpeechKit, the CNPTimeOutComplete and CNPTimeOutIncomplete are mapped to set the VoCon context and recognizer silence detection values. CNPTimeOutComplete maps to VoCon context setting ASRFX_PARAM_TS property with a valid range of values from 100 to 2000 and the default is 700. CNPTimeOutIncomplete maps to VoCon recognizer setting ASRREC_CTXPARAM_TS with a valid range of values from 100 to 2000 and the default is 600.
ChantSR1.SetNumberProperty(CNPTimeOutComplete, 200); // ASRFX_PARAM_TS 100-2000 default: 700
ChantSR1.SetNumberProperty(CNPTimeOutIncomplete, 400); // ASRREC_CTXPARAM_TS 100-2000 default: 600.
See Nuance VoCon 3200 documentation for more information and vendor recommendations.