Developer Workbench Release Notes
Last reviewed: 5/26/2014
FAQ Article ID: F101106
Knowledge Base reports addressed in this release:
F071101 What's new in Chant Developer Workbench 2011?
H071103 Managing VoCon Grammars
H071104 Managing W3C ABNF Grammars
H071105 Managing W3C XML Grammars
H071106 Managing JSGF Grammars
H071107 Working with VoCon compiler options
H071108 Recognizing with multi-grammar context
H031201 Developing Microsoft Speech Platform applications that manage grammars
H071102 Developing VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage grammars
H071114 Testing mobile applications
P121201 Help file does not launch within Developer Workbench
P121202 Start page does not close in MDI mode within Developer Workbench
P121203 Syntax editor options do not set within Developer Workbench
P121204 Tags with no content should not be an outline node
P121206 W3C SSML default document sample does not speak
P121306 64-bit VoiceXML editor not color coding syntax and providing intelliprompts
P051404 Chant code signing certificate expired