SpeechKit Release Notes
Last reviewed: 5/26/2014
FAQ Article ID: F101104
Knowledge Base reports addressed in this release:
F071105 What's new in SpeechKit 7?
H071103 Managing VoCon Grammars
H071104 Managing W3C ABNF Grammars
H071105 Managing W3C XML Grammars
H071106 Managing JSGF Grammars
H071107 Working with VoCon compiler options
H071108 Recognizing with a multi-grammar context
H071109 Targeting .NET Framework Versions
H071114 Testing Mobile applications
H071127 Developing VoCon 3200 V4 applications that recognize speech
H071128 Developing Dragon NaturallySpeaking applications that recognize speech
H071129 Enumerating SAPI grammar rules and phrase properties
H071130 Interpreting recognition result confidence
H071131 Implementing 1-Shot (2-pass) recognition
H071132 Managing recognition state with SetMicOn
H071133 Developing Silverlight applications that speak and listen
H071134 Developing C++Builder applications that speak and listen
H071135 Developing Delphi applications that speak and listen
H071136 Developing Web applications that speak and listen
H101101 Detecting when Dragon dialogs close
H101102 Creating and Destroying Chant objects in C++Builder and Delphi
H121102 Converting TTS audio format
H121103 Configuring applications to use VoCon 4.2
H031204 Developing Microsoft Speech Platform applications that speak and listen
H041201 Developing Speech-enabled .NET v4.5 Applications
H051201 Developing VoCon Hybrid applications that access the Nuance Mobile Application Server (NMAS)
H051202 Determining when to use managed SAPI or COM SAPI
H051203 Learning about the new Chant Application Framework Vocabulary and UI Management classes
H111201 Transcribing 8kHz audio files with Dragon NaturallySpeaking
H121202 Developing 64-bit C++Builder apps that speak, listen, and interact with users
H041301 Developing Speech-enabled RAD Studio XE4 applications
P101101 Enabling VoCon grammar fails
P101102 Voice commands not invoking resource functions on WinCE
P101104 Exception thrown when enumerating audio in devices
P101105 Setting CNPEngineUI does not display the Dragon results box
P101106 Dragon results box not showing on CSRDictationVocab recognition results
P101107 ChantRule and ChantPhraseProperty ID Java property accessor missing get
P101108 Only one ChantRule accessible in speech recognition result
P101109 Dragon correction selection not returned for CSRDictationVocab recognition
P101110 Enumerating SAPI 4 TTS engines may generate an exception or hang
P021201 Stop, pause, and resume playbacks fail with Vocalizer voices
P061201 Stopping, interrupting, or interjecting playbacks sometimes fail with RS Solo voices
P091201 C++Builder compile fails on pragma once directive
P091202 C++Builder compile generates linker errors with ChantAudio class
P091203 SAPI grammar rule and phrase property tree recursion fails on single rule
P091204 Setting Device ID for Acapela voices has no effect
P101201 Precompiled SAPI4 grammmar does not enable
P101202 SAPI5 engine enumerator stops after detecting errors in system registry
P011301 Duplicate CCSRHasText events with Dragon dictation
P011302 Managed .NET app fails with missing file exception
P031301 JCommandVocab missing enable and disable methods
P041301 64-bit app crashes transcribing audio file with Dragon NaturallySpeaking
P051301 Transcribing audio file with Microsoft Speech Platform recognizer fails on Windows Server
P121301 Nuance Vocalizer for Network 5.0 voice produces inconsistent synthesis
P121302 Word position event missing for first word with Vocalizer Automotive 5.5
P121303 Memory leaks occur when synthesizing with Nuance Vocalizer Automotive
P121304 Unable to map a Dragon NaturallySpeaking custom edit control to a .NET textbox
P121305 Unable to detect Dragon NaturallySpeaking revised results for live transcriptions
P051401 Pause and resume playback are not working for Nuance Vocalizer for Network
P051402 StopPlayback can cause subsequent playbacks to fail with Nuance Vocalizer
P051403 Transcribing speech from an audio file causes exception
P051404 Chant code signing certificate expired