GrammarKit Release Notes

Last reviewed: 5/26/2014

FAQ Article ID: F101101

Knowledge Base reports addressed in this release:


F071102 What's new in GrammarKit 4? ›


H071102 Developing VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage grammars ›
H071103 Managing VoCon Grammars ›
H071104 Managing W3C ABNF Grammars ›
H071105 Managing W3C XML Grammars ›
H071106 Managing JSGF Grammars ›
H071107 Working with VoCon compiler options ›
H071108 Recognizing with a multi-grammar context ›
H071109 Targeting .NET Framework Versions ›
H071110 Developing Silverlight applications that manage grammars ›
H071111 Developing C++Builder applications that manage grammars ›
H071112 Developing Delphi applications that manage grammars ›
H071113 Developing Web applications that manage grammars ›
H071114 Testing Mobile applications ›
H111101 Determining which grammar syntax to use ›
H121103 Configuring applications to use VoCon 4.2 ›
H031201 Developing Microsoft Speech Platform applications that manage grammars ›
H041201 Developing Speech-enabled .NET v4.5 Applications ›
H051202 Determining when to use managed SAPI or COM SAPI ›
H051203 Learning about the new Chant Application Framework Vocabulary and UI Management classes ›
H121202 Developing 64-bit C++Builder apps that speak, listen, and interact with users ›
H041301 Developing Speech-enabled RAD Studio XE4 applications ›


P101110 Enumerating SAPI 4 TTS engines may generate an exception or hang ›
P101201 Precompiled SAPI4 grammmar does not enable ›
P101202 SAPI5 engine enumerator stops after detecting errors in system registry ›
P011302 Managed .NET app fails with missing file exception ›
P021301 Unable to generate phonemes with Microsoft Recognizer ›
P051404 Chant code signing certificate expired ›

Learn more about GrammarKit