How do I configure the .NET Framework component?

Last reviewed: 10/10/2003

FAQ Article ID: F100301

SpeechKit .NET Library

You add a reference for SpeechKit to your .NET framework project by selecting Add References menu item and browse to the SpeechKit NET\bin directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 4.0\Developer\NET\bin). Select the SpeechKit.DLL component library and click OK to add to your project. Once the reference to the component library is added, add the appropriate import statement to your code.

To use the Chant SpeechKit .NET Framework Component Library in a Visual Basic .NET application, add an Imports SpeechKit statement to the application.

To use the Chant SpeechKit .NET Framework Component Library in a C# application, add a using SpeechKit; statement to the application.

To use the Chant SpeechKit .NET Framework Component Library in a J# application, add an import SpeechKit; statement to the application.

Note that Visual Studio will automatically copy the SpeechKit.DLL component library and the NSpeechKitLib.dll interop library to your application directory for compilation.

Note that C#Builder only automatically copies the SpeechKit.DLL component library, so you need to copy the NSpeechKitLib.dll interop library to your application directory for compilation. You must do this for both Debug and Release directories.

The DNSpeechKit.dll COM component library handles all of the COM and C interfaces with the speech APIs. Its location is unimportant since it self registers and is not compiled into your .NET framework application.

When you install an updated version of SpeechKit, it's very important you first uninstall the older version using Add/Remove programs before installing the new version. This ensures older libraries unregister properly before the new ones register.

Then, you must copy the new SpeechKit.DLL component library and the NSpeechKitLib.dll interop library to your application directory for compilation. You must do this for both Debug and Release directories.