What's new in SpeechKit 6?

Last reviewed: 9/17/2008

FAQ Article ID: F090801

Gain development productivity and runtime efficiency.

1. Internal Enhancements for Streamlined Performance

  • Classes re-factored for efficiency.
  • Libraries compiled and linked with latest version of compiler and runtimes.
  • Libraries digitally signed for applications addressing Windows Vista certification requirements.
  • Documentation updated with quick-reference icons denoting specific speech API support for Class, Method, Property, Event, and Enumerated Constants.

Read Knowledge Base article H090801 Determining speech engine feature support for more information.

2. .NET 3.0 WPF Component Library

Now you can speak and listen with WPF Windows and UI controls. Simply add SpeechKit classes and event handling to your WPF applications.

Read Knowledge Base article H090802 Developing WPF applications that speak and listen for more information.

3. New Class Library for .NET and Java

Now common Chant constants and classes are part of new .NET and Java class libraries. Simply add a reference for the new shared library to start using the common objects.

Read Knowledge Base article H090803 Referencing common constants and classes with different components for more information.

4. Grammar Management Enhancements

Now you can define grammars using compiled binary from buffers and streams. Simply pass the compiled binary buffer or stream from GrammarKit to SpeechKit.

Read Knowledge Base article H090804 Deploying with binary grammars for more information.

5. Grammar Rule Management Enhancements

Now you can determine if grammar rules are enabled with the new IsRuleEnabled method. Simply query the rule name to determine whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

Read Knowledge Base article H090805 Determining grammar rule enablement state for more information.

6. Grammar List Management Enhancements

Now vocabulary lists are automatically disabled when the grammar is disabled and the list enable state is available via IsResourceEnabled. Simply disable the grammar without having to disable the list resource explicitly.

Read Knowledge Base article H090806 Determining dynamic grammar list enablement state for more information.

7. Dynamic Grammar Phrase Properties

Now dynamic SAPI 5 phrases can be added with properties that are available with static phrase declarations. Simply pass comma-separated values as part of the vocabulary phrase when adding the CSRVocabPhrase to the list resource.

Read Knowledge Base article H090807 Defining dynamic grammar phrase properties for more information.

8. System-wide and Instance-based SAPI 5 Default Properties

Now you can set the SAPI 5 recognizer, synthesizer, and user profile for the class instance or as the system-wide default. Simply use the new Chant string property constants CSPDefaultEngine and CSPDefaultSpeaker to set the system-wide defaults or CSPEngine and CSPSpeaker for the current instance only.

Read Knowledge Base article H090808 Setting SAPI default properties for more information.

9. Speech API Error Notification Events

Now you can gain insight directly into Speech API error conditions. Simply register for the new CCAPIError callback to receive Speech API error notifications.

Read Knowledge Base article H090809 Tracking API errors for more information.

10. C++Builder and Delphi VCL components

Now you can build C++Builder and Delphi applications that speak and listen. Simply use the new VCL component libraries in your C++Builder and Delphi applications.

Read Knowledge Base article H090810 Developing C++Builder and Delphi applications that speak and listen for more information.

Liberate your users from their desktops.

11. Synthesize Large Playbacks while Maintaining Word Position

Now you synthesize directly from large text files and multiple smaller text requests and maintain word position across multiple requests. Simply pass the file name containing text or for multiple text requests, pass the word position offset as the request length.

Read Knowledge Base article H090811 Maintaining word positions when synthesizing large playbacks for more information.

12. Synthesize Web Pages from Non-Web Applications

Now non-web applications can synthesize text directly from a web page. Simply pass the web page URL with the new playback object type CPOURL.

Read Knowledge Base article H090812 Synthesizing web page text from a non-web application for more information.

13. Forward and Rewind Synthesis and Audio Playback

Now you can skip forward and backward when synthesizing with SAPI 5 and RealSpeak Solo voices and with audio playback. Simply use the new SkipPlayback method to forward or rewind synthesis and audio playback.

Read Knowledge Base article H090813 Forward and Rewind audio and speech synthesis playback for more information.

14. Expanded Audio Management Capabilities

Now you can record and playback Windows media audio files (.wma). Simply pass the name of a .wma file to record to or to playback.

Read Knowledge Base article H090814 Record and playback compressed audio for more information.

Speak and listen with the latest recognizers and synthesizers.

15. Native API Support for Acapela Multimedia Voices

Now you can synthesize with Acapela Multimedia voices without SAPI 4 or SAPI 5. Simply enumerate and select a native Acapela voice before synthesizing.

Read Knowledge Base article H090815 Synthesize with Acapela voices without SAPI4 or SAPI 5 for more information.

16. Native API Support for Nuance Vocalizer Voices

Now you can synthesize with Nuance Vocalizer voices. Simply enumerate and select a Vocalizer voice before synthesizing.

Read Knowledge Base article H090816 Synthesize with Nuance Vocalizer voices for more information.

17. Native API Support for Cepstral Version 5 Voices

Now you can synthesize with Cepstral Version 5 voices. Simply enumerate and select a Cepstral voice before synthesizing.

Read Knowledge Base article H090817 Synthesize with Cepstral Version 5 voices for more information.

18. Enumerate Native Speech API Engines Only

Now you can enumerate a recognizer or voice only via native API if available and not as a SAPI recognizer or voice. Simply set the CNPNativeAPI property to non-zero value to limit engine enumeration to native API engines.

Read Knowledge Base article H090818 Enumerate native speech API engines only for more information.

Release the full potential of your applications on mobile devices.

19. WinCE ActiveX Component Library

Now you have the option to voice enable your Windows Mobile applications with an ActiveX library in addition to the CDLL and .NET component libraries. Simply insert the component class objects as supported by your development tool or use the C++ class wrappers.

Read Knowledge Base article H090819 Develop Mobile applications with ActiveX component library for more information.

20. Enumerate Native Speech API Engines Only

Now you can easily voice enable your Classic, Standard, and Professional Windows Mobile 6 platform applications. New Windows Mobile 6 Professional samples illustrate using the ActiveX, CDLL, and .NET component libraries for recognizing and synthesizing.

Read Knowledge Base article H090820 Develop Mobile applications for Windows Mobile 6 for more information.

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