Developer Workbench Release Notes
Last reviewed: 1/4/2016
FAQ Article ID: F071503
Knowledge Base reports addressed in this release:
F071501 What's new in Chant Developer Workbench 2015?
H061402 Developing applications that speak with Acapela Telecom Server and Mobile
H071501 Developing applications that speak with Cepstral Telephony 6
H061403 Developing applications that speak with CereProc CereVoice
H061401 Developing applications that speak with Nuance Vocalizer Expressive
H061404 Developing batch applications that process speech
H061405 Developing applications that speak with multiple voices
H061406 Using command IDs with speech recognition
H061410 Using class library documentation in IDE Intellisense
H071502 Using collection classes to enumerate speech objects
H071503 Tracking movement with Kinect for Xbox One sensors
H071504 Developing applications that speak, listen, and interact with CDW 2015
H071505 Switching UI Languages in the Chant Developer Workbench IDE
H071506 Voice enabling apps with CDW 2015 in popular IDEs
H071507 Exploring Chant Developer Workbench 2015 features
P081501 Dragon NaturallySpeaking not enumerating in Chant Developer Workbench speech recognizer browser
P081502 EnableRule and DisableRule methods missing
P081503 Setting runtime property CNPRetainAudio does not return audio bytes on speech recognition events
P101501 Custom speaker training not working
P101502 ProfileKit Visual Basic Training sample uses incorrect line feed characters
P111501 Duplicate speaker profile names
P111502 Unable to set topic for training and transcription
P111503 Voice enumeration fails on system without SAPI intalled
P111504 StartPlayback does not use the default voice in Java app
P111505 Java collection object cast as Object class
P111506 Synthesizing to audio file with Nuance Network voice fails
P121501 Resume queued audio playback ignored
P121502 Opening speech synthesizers browser crashes Developer Workbench