What's new in SpeechKit 7?

Last reviewed: 7/15/2011

FAQ Article ID: F071105

Gain development productivity and runtime efficiency.

Internal Enhancements for Streamlined Performance

  • Classes re-factored for performance and platform-specific implementations.
  • Single license unlock for Win32, Win64 and WinCE libraries.
  • Libraries compiled and linked with latest version of compiler and runtimes.
  • Libraries digitally signed for applications addressing Windows certification requirements.
  • Documentation reorganized and reformatted for ease of use.

Read Knowledge Base article H071101 Exploring Chant Developer Workbench 2011 features for more information.

SAPI Grammar Rules and Phrase Properties

Now you can enumerate rules and phrase properties on recognition results. Simply enumerate the ChantRule and ChantPhraseProperty objects on the recognition results.

Read Knowledge Base article H071129 Enumerating SAPI grammar rules and phrase properties for more information.

Recognition Result Confidence

Now you can obtain the recognition result confidence different ways. Simply enumerate the ChantWord, ChantRule, or ChantPhraseProperty objects to obtain the confidence properties.

Read Knowledge Base article H071130 Interpreting recognition result confidence for more information.

1-Shot (2-pass) Recognition

Now you recognize with grammars compiled for 1-Shot (2-pass) recognition. Simply set the Active, Start, and Stop field values for the grammar using AddResource with CSRActivateField, CSRStartField, and CSRStopField resources before enabling the grammar resource.

Read Knowledge Base article H071131 Implementing 1-Shot (2-pass) recognition for more information.

SetMicOn as Master Switch

Now you can optimize multi-grammar enablement by using SetMicOn. Simply use SetMicOn to turn the microphone off before enabling one or more grammars, then turn the microphone on to enable them.

Read Knowledge Base article H071132 Managing recognition state with SetMicOn for more information.

L&H BNF Grammars

Now you can recognize with L&H BNF version-specific grammars (V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0). Simply set the ChantEngineAPI constant to CEVoCon2, CEVoCon3, or CEVoCon4 and set the runtimes before enabling grammars.

Read Knowledge Base article H071103 Managing VoCon Grammars for more information.

W3C ABNF Grammars

Now you can recognize with W3C ABNF grammars. Simply use the new ChantEngineAPI constant CEVoCon4 to set the VoCon V4 runtimes before enabling grammars.

Read Knowledge Base article H071104 Managing W3C ABNF Grammars for more information.

W3C XML Grammars

Now you can recognize with W3C XML. Simply use the ChantEngineAPI constant CESAPI5SR to set the SAPI 5 recognizer before enabling grammars.

Read Knowledge Base article H071105 Managing W3C XML Grammars for more information.

JSGF Grammars

Now you can recognize with JSGF grammars. Simply use the new ChantEngineAPI constant CEVoCon4 to set the VoCon V4 runtimes before enabling grammars.

Read Knowledge Base article H071106 Managing JSGF Grammars for more information.

Grammar Compiler Options

Now you can specify the VoCon Compiler option when recognizing with grammars. Simply select a single option from the dropdown list or enter the value of the desired option before compiling.

Read Knowledge Base article H071107 Working with VoCon compiler options for more information.

Speech Recognition Context

Now you can recognizer with a multi-grammar context. Simply define recognizer context resource CSRContext, add grammar resources, and enable the resource like a grammar resource.

Read Knowledge Base article H071108 Recognizing with multi-grammar context for more information.

.NET V4 libraries

Now you can target .NET Framework 4 applications with .NET 4 Chant component libraries. Simply add references for the new .NET 4 Chant component libraries to your project.

Read Knowledge Base article H071109 Targeting .NET Framework Versions for more information.

Silverlight libraries

Now you can develop Silverlight applications that speak and listen. Simply add references for the Silverlight Chant component libraries to your project.

Read Knowledge Base article H071133 Developing Silverlight applications that speak and listen for more information.

C++Builder class library

Now you develop C++Builder applications that speak and listen without binding to release-specific VCL binaries. Simply use the new Chant component library C++Builder classes in your C++Builder applications.

Read Knowledge Base article H071134 Developing C++Builder applications that speak and listen for more information.

Delphi class library

Now you develop Delphi applications that speak and listen without binding to release-specific VCL binaries. Simply use the new Chant component library Delphi classes in your Delphi applications.

Read Knowledge Base article H071135 Developing Delphi applications that speak and listen for more information.

Speak and listen with the latest recognizers and synthesizers.

Microsoft Speech Platform

Now you can develop Microsoft Speech Platform applications that speak and listen. Simply set the new ChantEngineAPI constant CEMSPSR before enabling vocabularies and constant CEMSPTTS before synthesizing.

Read Knowledge Base article H031204 Developing Microsoft Speech Platform applications that speak and listen for more information.

VoCon 3200 V4

Now you can develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that speak and listen. Simply use the new ChantEngineAPI constant CEVoCon4 to set the VoCon V4 runtimes before enabling vocabularies.

Read Knowledge Base article H071127 Developing VoCon 3200 V4 applications that recognize speech for more information.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Now you can develop Dragon NaturallySpeaking applications that adapt to the version installed. Simply use the ChantEngineAPI constant CEDGN4SR and the Chant classes automatically detect and use the application API.

Read Knowledge Base article H071128 Developing Dragon NaturallySpeaking applications that recognize speech for more information.

Release the full potential of your applications on mobile devices.

WinCE Web Component Library

Now you can develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that speak and listen. Simply use the new ChantEngineAPI constant CEVoCon4 to set the VoCon V4 runtimes before enabling vocabularies.

Read Knowledge Base article H071136 Developing Web applications that speak and listen for more information.

WinCE Recognition and TTS Testing

Now you can easily test recognition and synthesis with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench development and testing environment.

Read Knowledge Base article H071114 Testing mobile applications for more information.

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