What's new in Chant Developer Workbench 2011?

Last reviewed: 7/15/2011

FAQ Article ID: F071101

Gain development productivity and runtime efficiency.

L&H BNF Grammars

Now you easily create, edit, compile, and test L&H BNF version-specific grammars (V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0). Simply select the L&H grammar type from the File->New or File->Open menu item.

Read Knowledge Base article H071103 Managing VoCon Grammars for more information.

W3C ABNF Grammars

Now you easily create, edit, compile, and test W3C ABNF grammars. Simply select the W3C ABNF grammar type from the File->New or File->Open menu item.

Read Knowledge Base article H071104 Managing W3C ABNF Grammars for more information.

W3C XML Grammars

Now you easily create, edit, compile, and test W3C XML grammars. Simply select the W3C XML grammar type from the File->New or File->Open menu item.

Read Knowledge Base article H071105 Managing W3C XML Grammars for more information.

JSGF Grammars

Now you easily create, edit, compile, and test JSGF grammars. Simply select the JSGF grammar type from the File->New or File->Open menu item.

Read Knowledge Base article H071106 Managing JSGF Grammars for more information.

Grammar Compiler Options

Now you can specify VoCon grammar compiler options. Simply select the compiler option from the toolbar dropdown before compiling grammars.

Read Knowledge Base article H071107 Working with VoCon compiler options for more information.

Speech Recognition Context

Now you can create, edit, compile, and test multi-grammar context. Simply select Speech Recognition Context from the File->New or File->Open menu item.

Read Knowledge Base article H071108 Recognizing with multi-grammar context for more information.

Speak and listen with the latest recognizers and synthesizers.

Microsoft Speech Platform

Now you can use Microsoft Speech Platform recognizers and voices within the development and testing environment. The engine enumerators will look for the recognizers and voices by default.

Read Knowledge Base article H031201 Developing Microsoft Speech Platform applications that manage grammars for more information.

VoCon 3200 V4

Now you can use VoCon 3200 V4 within the development and testing environment. Simply set the VoCon V4 runtimes under View->Options.

Read Knowledge Base article H071102 Developing VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage grammars for more information.

Release the full potential of your applications on mobile devices.

WinCE Chant Developer Workbench

Now you can test speech resources with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench development and testing environment.

Read Knowledge Base article H071114 Testing mobile applications for more information.

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