Developer Workbench Release Notes
Last reviewed: 3/15/2021
FAQ Article ID: F052002
Knowledge Base reports addressed in this release:
F052001 What's new in Chant Developer Workbench 2020?
H052001 Voice enabling apps with CDW 2020 in popular IDEs
H052002 CDW 2020 managing speech recognition directly with the recognizer
H052003 CDW 2020 managing listening context with vocabularies
H052004 CDW 2020 managing speech synthesis directly with the synthesizer
H052005 CDW 2020 designing and testing speech recognition apps
H052006 CDW 2020 designing and testing speech synthesis apps
H052007 CDW 2020 designing and editing SRGS and SSML for UWP apps
H052008 CDW 2020 developing applications with version-specific API support
H052009 CDW 2020 developing applications with Cepstral Speech Technology
H052010 CDW 2020 developing applications with CereProc Speech Technology
H052011 CDW 2020 developing apps with Microsoft Speech and NUI Technology
H052012 CDW 2020 developing applications with Nuance Speech Technology
H052013 CDW 2020 voice enabling C++Builder Android and iOS apps
H052014 CDW 2020 voice enabling Delphi Android and iOS apps
H112001 CDW 2020 listening and speaking in different languages
H122001 CDW 2020 developing applications with Acapela Speech Technology
H012101 CDW 2020 searching audio for specific words, phrases, and subphrases
H012102 CDW 2020 interacting with users for hands-free operation
H022101 CDW 2020 enabling continuous speech recognition on Windows 10
H022102 CDW 2020 using WindowsMedia speech recognition and synthesis via WinRT
P092001 Vocalizer voice events not synchronized with playback
P102001 Synthesizing to file ignored the first time requested
P102002 Microsoft Speech Platform voices not enumerating
P102003 Vocalizer synthesis options not reset to default
P032101 Transcription events missing when using Dragon NaturallySpeaking
P032102 Destroying vocabulary stops event notification