Do the Chant component libraries support Visual Studio 2008?

Last reviewed: 2/21/2008

FAQ Article ID: F020801

The information in this article applies to:

  • GrammarKit 2
  • LexiconKit 2
  • ProfileKit 2
  • SpeechKit 5
  • VoiceMarkupKit 2


Microsoft is releasing Visual Studio 2008 with updated versions of C++, C#, and Visual Basic.

The current releases of Chant ActiveX, CDLL, COM, .NET Framework, and .NET Compact Framework component libraries are fully compatible with these new releases in Visual Studio 2008.

More Information

With the imminent official release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, new sample projects have been added to all the Chant Developer Editions for the new release of this IDE.

Within each component library type (e.g., ActiveX, CDLL, COM, .NET Framework, and .NET Compact Framework) Samples directory, there is a new subdirectory: VS2008. This new directory contains sample application projects created with Visual Studio 2008. There is no need to convert the 2005 sample projects.