Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 11:15:27 AM
SAPI 5 Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows you to mark up data. That is, the language allows you to apply semantic and organizational structure to data. XML is very flexible and powerful, since the markup language can be anything you want it to be within the XML markup rules.
XML consists of elements, element attributes, and element relationships. The markup rules that describe elements, attributes, and element relationships are defined in an XML schema.
XML expresses elements using tags. Tags are text representation of elements. Element types have names enclosed within less than and greater than signs (e.g., <XMLElement>). Elements may have attributes that are assigned values within the tag (e.g., <XMLElement anAttribute="value"/>). Elements may also have text associated with them. Element text is declared between begin and end tag syntax (e.g., <XMLElement>element text</XMLElement>).
Microsoft SAPI 5 defines a TTS markup grammar XML schema as part of the specification. This schema definition defines the XML elements, attributes, and element relationships to use when creating SAPI 5 TTS grammars.
For more information about XML, consult the World Wide Web Consortium Web site.