Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 10:46:12 AM

VoiceMarkupKit Features

The goal of text-to-speech markup is to enhance the quality of the text-to-speech playback. With Chant VoiceMarkupKit, you can:

  • Generate markup language in Acapela TTS, CereProc CereVoice, Microsoft Azure Speech SSML, Microsoft SAPI 5 XML, and W3C SSML syntax; and
  • Dynamically switch among speech APIs and syntax formats.

Chant VoiceMarkupKit handles the complexities of generating text-to-speech markup for various markup syntax. Applications can tailor speech synthesis to produce sounds in familiar dialects, speaking patterns, and accents of end users. Applications can adjust TTS markup as needed for the synthesizer to enhance the playback quality when synthesizing.

Synthesizers (i.e. speech APIs) interpret different markup syntax. VoiceMarkupKit supports the following markup syntax:

Speech API Grammar Syntax
Acapela TTS AcaTTS Tags
Cepstral Swift W3C SSML
CereProc CereVoice W3C SSML, CereVoice Tagset
Microsoft Azure Speech Azure Speech SSML
Microsoft SAPI 5 SAPI 5 XML Grammar
Microsoft Speech Platform W3C SRGS XML
Microsoft .NET System.Speech W3C SRGS XML
Microsoft .NET Microsoft.Speech W3C SRGS XML
Microsoft WindowsMedia (UWP and WinRT) W3C SRGS XML

Within Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:

  • Create and edit documents with TTS markup;
  • Generate TTS markup;
  • Generate word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
  • Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit); and
  • Playback text with TTS markup (requires SpeechKit).
SSML Editing
SSML Editing: Acapela TTS Tags, Azure Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), CereVoice Tagset, SAPI 5, and W3C SSML faster with built-in intelliprompt that suggests valid markup syntax.
SSML Error Debugging
SSML Error Debugging: Automatic syntax checking displays visual cues and syntax error messages in the Error window. Click on the error to take you to the location of it in the document window.
TTS Playback
TTS Playback: Playback text-to-speech markup with a click of the button. Highlight specific text or playback the entire document.