Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 9:37:52 AM

Training Sample

Chant ProfileKit includes sample applications that illustrate profile management features. Look for the Training folder in the ProfileKit sample projects.

Build and launch the sample speaker training application. You can create, delete, and train speakers for the recognizers that are installed on your system.

Chant Speaker Training Sample

Train a speaker profile using the sample application with the following steps:

  1. Select a speaker for which to train.
  2. It is recommended you adjust your audio first. Select and launch the MicTraining (SAPI5) or AudioSetupWizard (Dragon) dialog.
  3. Select and launch the UserTraining (SAPI5) or GeneralTraining (Dragon) dialog and follow the prompts of the training wizard.
  4. Delete a Microsoft SAPI5 speaker profile using the sample application with the following steps:
  5. Select a speaker from the list.
  6. Press the Delete Speaker button.

Create a Microsoft SAPI5 speaker profile using the sample application with the following steps:

  1. Select a speech recognizer from list If you do not see any speech APIs listed, see the section entitled Recognizer and Synthesizer Installation.
  2. Enter the speaker name.
  3. Press the Create Speaker button.

Use the ManageUsers dialog to create and delete Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking speaker profiles.