Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 9:18:25 AM

Cepstral Lexicon Editing

A Cepstral lexicon is a collection of word pronunciations. The steps to create a Cepstral lexicon with Chant LexiconKit are as follows:

  1. Select the Start Page tab and click on the Cepstral Lexicon image or select the File - New menu item or click the New Standard toolbar button, select Lexicon from the category list, and select Cepstral Lexicon to create one in a document window.
  2. Save your new lexicon to a file by selecting the File - Save menu item or click the Save Standard toolbar button.

A lexicon consists of one or more pronunciation elements. You must add at least one valid pronunciation element to a lexicon. The Chant Developer Workbench lexicon editor provides automatic phoneme generation. Type the word, space, and part of speech (currently not implemented, so use '0') to generate default pronunciation.

tomato 0 t ah0 m ey1 t ow0 

Use the Speech - Edit Phonemes menu item or click the Edit Phonemes Speech toolbar button to display the Edit Phonemes window. Select the appropriate speech engine and select the appropriate replacement phoneme. The phoneme is added to the clipboard. Insert your cursor into the document and perform an Edit - Paste to copy the phoneme into the document. To hear the pronunciation, select only the phonemes and use the Speech - Speak Phonemes menu item or click the Speak Phonemes Speech toolbar button.

Cepstral Pronunciation Editing