Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 9:15:43 AM

Movement Management Architecture

KinesicsKit tracks and maps movement with Microsoft Kinect for Windows.

KinesicsKit enables applications to start and stop color, depth, body, and audio data collection with Microsoft Kinect sensors. Applications use it to manage low-level functions if desired.

With the KinesicsKit, applications detect movement, process color, depth, and body data, and record audio to a file. Applications use KinesicsKit to manage the activities for interacting with the Microsoft Kinect sensor. KinesicsKit manages the resources and interacts directly with the Natural User Interface API (NAPI) runtime.

Applications receive status notifications through event callbacks.

Speech recognition and synthesis are supported with the SpeechKit. See SpeechKit for more information about integrating speech technology.

KinesicsKit encapsulates the NAPI functions to make the process of tracking movement with Microsoft Kinect sensors simple and efficient.

KinesicsKit Architecture for Movement Management

KinesicsKit simplifies the process of managing Microsoft Kinect sensors by handling the low-level activities directly with the sensor.

Instantiate KinesicsKit to start tracking movement within the application and destroy KinesicsKit to release its resources when movement tracking is no longer needed.