Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 8:33:48 AM


A element is comprised of one or words used when matching for the rule.

    <RULE NAME="commandsandquestions" TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE">
        <PHRASE>What kind of soft drinks do you have</PHRASE>



Specifies the display form for the given phrase tag. Spoken words can have alternative text used for display. For example, the display form of the word two may be 2. This attribute is optional.


The maximum number of times valid recognitions of this element's contents may be recognized repeatedly. A value INF indicates that any number of recognitions may occur. The valid range of values for this is 1 to 255, or INF for infinite. The default value is 1. This attribute is optional.


The minimum number of times valid recognitions of this element's contents may be recognized repeatedly. The valid range of values for this is 0 to 255 and must be less than the value specified in MAX. If the MIN value is greater than the MAX value, the MAX is used. The default value is 1. This attribute is optional. This attribute is optional.


Phonemes that represent the phrase pronunciation. This attribute is optional.


NAME attribute of an <ID> element. The <ID> element VAL attribute is returned when recognitions occur. This attribute is optional.


String identifier to indicate that a VAL or VALSTR value is returned when recognitions occur. This attribute is optional.


A numeric value to return as a property value associated with the recognize phrase. This attribute is optional.


A string value to return as a property value associated with the recognize phrase. This attribute is optional.


Float value (e.g., .15) that specifies the probability that this phrase versus another phrase in the list is recognized. The combined weights of the phrases in the list should be equal to 1. This attribute is optional.




<LIST>, <OPT>, <PHRASE>, and <RULE>.