Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 8:23:32 AM

GrammarKit Features

The goal of good grammar design is to maximize application performance. A GrammarKit application can:

  • Compile and validate grammar syntax; and
  • Persist compiled grammar binary.

Chant GrammarKit handles the complexities of constructing, compiling, and persisting grammars. This allows you to generate and compile grammars as part of your deployed application, distribute compiled grammar binary files with your application, and optimize grammar enablement at runtime by using compiled binary files.

Recognizers have their own syntax for expressing grammars. GrammarKit supports the following speech application program interfaces (APIs) and grammar syntax:

Speech API Grammar Syntax
Microsoft SAPI 5SAPI 5 XML Grammar
Microsoft Speech PlatformW3C SRGS XML
Microsoft .NET System.SpeechW3C SRGS XML
Microsoft .NET Microsoft.SpeechW3C SRGS XML
Microsoft WindowsMedia (UWP and WinRT)W3C SRGS XML

Within Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:

  • Create and edit grammars in native grammar syntax;
  • Generate word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
  • Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
  • Compile and debug grammars; and
  • Test grammars with live audio (requires SpeechKit).
Grammar Editing
Grammar Management: Design, compile, test, and debug speech recognition grammars before deployment.
Grammar Editing
Grammar Editing: Edit SAPI 5 and W3C speech recognition grammars faster with built-in intelliprompt that suggests valid grammar syntax.
Syntax Error Debugging
Syntax Error Debugging: Automatic syntax checking displays visual cues and syntax error messages in the Error window. Click on the error to take you to the location of it in the document window.
Grammar Compiling and Testing
Grammar Compiling and Testing: Compile and test grammars with a click of a button. Review compiler messages in the output window. Speak into a microphone to test grammar.
Recognition Results
Recognition Results: View recognition results in the Output window.
Recognition Events
Recognition Events: Browse recognition events in the Events window.
Compilation Error Debugging
Compilation Error Debugging: Browse compilation errors in the Error window. Click on the error to take you to the location of it in the document window.