Last reviewed: 3/22/2024 8:10:23 PM

Windows and Views

The Chant Developer Workbench IDE consists of the following windows:


The Document window provides editing views for grammars, lexicons, and TTS markup and enumeration views for profiles, audio devices, recognizers, and synthesizers. More than one document window may be open at a time and they may be displayed in tabbed or multiple document layout.

To select the document window, click on the document tab or select from the Window menu items.

Error List

The Error List window provides a table of compiler errors.


The Events window provides a system transcript of all the callback events fired when invoking command line and document window functions.

Find Results

The Find Results window provides a summary of the search and list of matching lines.


The Output window provides a transcript of results from grammar compilation, recognition results, and command line invocations.


The Properties window displays property values for profiles, audio devices, recognizers, and synthesizers.

Profile Training

The Profile Training window provides the tools for launching speaker profile training.

Speech Recognition

The Speech Recognition window provides the tools for transcribing speech from live and recorded audio.

Speech Synthesis

The Speech Synthesis window provides the tools for synthesizing speech.