Last reviewed: 3/22/2024 8:09:12 PM


The Chant Developer Workbench IDE provides the following toolbars:

Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar provides functions for file management, document editing and viewing functions.

Button Menu Item Description
New File - New Creates an empty document of the file type selected.
Open File - Open Opens an existing file for editing.
Save File - Save Saves the current document to a file.
Save All File - SaveAll Saves the current document to a different file name and/or a different location on your computer or local network.
Cut Edit - Cut Removes the selected text from the window and moves it to the clipboard, replacing the clipboard's current contents.
Copy Edit - Copy Copies the selected text from the window and moves it to the clipboard, replacing the clipboard's current contents.
Paste Edit - Paste Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point. If there is currently selected text, it is overwritten.
Undo Edit - Undo Reverses the last command or deletes the last entry you typed.
Redo Edit - Redo Reverses the action of the last Undo command.
Start Page Start Page Shows the start page window.
Customize Toolbar Add or Remove Buttons Customizes which buttons appear on the toolbars

Text Editor Toolbar

The Text Editor toolbar provides advanced functions for document editing.

Button Menu Item Description
Increase Indentation Edit - Advanced - Increase Indentation Inserts tab for the selected line(s).
Decrease Indentation Edit - Advanced - Decrease Indentation Deletes tab for the selected line(s).
Comment Selection Edit - Advanced - Comment Selection Inserts comment characters to comment the current line for languages that support single line comments.
Uncomment Selection Edit - Advanced - Uncomment Selection Removes comment characters to uncomment the current line for languages that support single line comments.
Toggle Bookmark Edit - Bookmarks - Toggle Bookmark Bookmarks or un-bookmarks the current line in the document.
Previous Bookmark Edit - Bookmarks - Previous Bookmark Jumps to the previous bookmark.
Next Bookmark Edit - Bookmarks - Next Bookmark Jumps to the next bookmark.
Clear Bookmark Edit - Bookmarks - Clear Bookmarks Removes all bookmarks.
Customize Toolbar Add or Remove Buttons Customizes which buttons appear on the toolbars

Movement Toolbar

The Movement toolbar provides functions for managing movement.

Button Menu Item Description
Start Sensor Sensors - Start Sensor Enables the color, depth, and skeleton streams for the selected sensor.
Stop Sensor Sensors - Stop Sensor Disables the color, depth, and skeleton streams for the selected sensor.
Customize Toolbar Add or Remove Buttons Customizes which buttons appear on the toolbars

Speech Toolbar

The Speech toolbar provides functions for managing grammars, lexicons, profiles, recognizers, synthesizers, and TTS markup.

Button Menu Item Description
Compile Grammar Speech - Compile Grammar Compiles the speech recognition grammar. Compiler messages are displayed in the Output window.
Activate Grammar Speech - Activate Grammar Enables a compiled grammar for testing (SpeechKit).
Deactivate Grammar Speech - Deactivate Grammar Disables an activated grammar.
Generate Phonemes Speech - Generate Phonemes Generates phonemes for the text selection in the document.
Edit Phonemes Speech - Edit Phonemes Displays phoneme selection tool window for inserting phonemes directly into the document.
Speak Phonemes Speech - Speak Phonemes Synthesizes the selected phonemes.
Speak Text Speech - Speak Text Synthesizes the selected text or the entire document.
Stop Speaking Speech - Stop Speaking Stops the audio playback of the synthesized speech.
Pause Speaking Speech - Pause Speaking Pauses the audio playback of the synthesized speech.
Resume Speaking Speech - Resume Speaking Resumes the paused audio playback of the synthesized speech.
Validate VoiceXML Speech - Validate VoiceXML Validates a VoiceXML document. Compiler messages are displayed in the Output window.
Run VoiceXML Speech - Run VoiceXML Opens a session with the VoiceXML interpreter and executes the document.
Stop VoiceXML Speech - Stop VoiceXML Stops the VoiceXML document execution and and closes the session with the interpreter.
Customize Toolbar Add or Remove Buttons Customizes which buttons appear on the toolbars

Status Toolbar

The Status toolbar at the bottom of the main window frame provides run time status information.

Control Description
Status Message Displays help message text.
Cursor Position Shows the line, column, and character position of the cursor within the text.
Overtype Indicates whether text is inserted or replaces existing text when typed.