How do I use Command Vocabularies with VoCon 3200 V3?
Last reviewed: 12/26/2009
HOW Article ID: H120913
The information in this article applies to:
- ProfileKit 3
- SpeechKit 6
VoCon V3 requires all grammars to be compiled offline. To support command vocabularies with VoCon V3, compile a grammar with a !slot definition.
More Information
To define a command vocabulary myvocab, compile a grammar myvocab.dat from the BNF+ file myvocab.bnf with contents as follows:
#BNF+EM V1.1;
!grammar myvocab;
!start <start>;
!slot <myvocab>;
<start>: <myvocab>;
<myvocab>: <VOID>;
Defining the following resources in SpeechKit 6: CSRCommandVocab, CSRComboBox, CSRCommand, CSRListBox, CSRMenu, CSRSystemMenu, and CSRWindow may result in a generating a command vocabulary.
For CSRCommandVocab, CSRComboBox, CSRListBox, CSRMenu, CSRSystemMenu, CSRWindow resouces, the grammar file with the same name as the strDescriptor parameter with .dat suffix must be compiled.
For CSRCommand resources, a SpeechKitCommandTable.dat grammar must be compiled. For resources defining the CRFClickButton option, a MessageBoxButtons.dat grammar must be compiled.
Sample grammars files can be found in the Grammars folder for both SpeechKit 6 Win32 and WinCE Developer Editions.
To support CTPTrainingText in ProfileKit 3, compile a grammar traininggrammar.dat with contents as follows:
#BNF+EM V1.1;
!grammar traininggrammar;
!start <start>;
!slot <traininggrammar>;
<start>: <traininggrammar>;
<traininggrammar>: <VOID>;
To support training dialog button commands in ProfileKit 3, compile a grammar trainingcmd.dat with contents as follows:
#BNF+EM V1.1;
!grammar traininggrammar;
!start <start>;
!slot <traininggrammar>;
<start>: <traininggrammar>;
<traininggrammar>: <VOID>;