How do I detect when a Dragon dialog is closed?
Last reviewed: 10/1/2011
HOW Article ID: H101101
The information in this article applies to:
- ProfileKit 4
- SpeechKit 7
Dragon NatuallySpeaking has a lot of dialogs with which the end user can tailor their environment. In various application scenarios, it would be helpful to know when the dialog was dismissed and if the dialog was successful.
More Information
The ChantPM (ProfileKit) ShowDialog method enables you to launch a variety of dialogs to administer Dragon user settings and preferences. The dialog invocation is modal to your application. Control is not returned to your application until the dialog is dismissed. The Dragon dialog exit code is returned to the application when the dialog is dismissed.
NChantPM1.ShowDialog(ChantDialog.CDMicTraining, this.Handle, "", "");
int exitCode = NChantPM1.GetLastError();
pChantPM->ShowDialog(CDMicTraining, m_hWnd);
long exitCode = pChantPM->GetLastError();
pChantPM->ShowDialog(CDMicTraining, Handle);
long exitCode = pChantPM->GetLastError();
var exitCode: Integer;
ChantPM1.ShowDialog(CDMicTraining, Handle);
exitCode := ChantPM1.GetLastError();
JChantPM1.showDialog(ChantDialog.CDMicTraining, this, "", "");
int exitCode = JChantPM1.getLastError();
exitCode = wChantPM1.ShowDialog(CDMicTraining);
Dim exitCode as Integer
exitCode = XChantPM1.ShowDialog(CDMicTraining)
Dim exitCode As Integer
NChantPM1.ShowDialog(ChantDialog.CDMicTraining, Me.Handle, "", "")
ntVal = nChantPM.GetLastError()
The ChantSR (SpeechKit) ShowDialog method enables you to launch a variety of dialogs to administer Dragon user settings and preferences. The dialog invocation is modeless and control is returned to your application immediately. To know when the dialog is dismissed and to obtain the exit code, register for the ChantCallback event CCSRProgress.
// Turn on SRProgress events
// Turn on SRProgress events
// Turn on SRProgress events
// Turn on SRProgress events
// Turn on SRProgress events
// Turn on SRProgress events
' Turn on SRProgress events
XChantSR1.RegisterCallback CCSRProgress
' Turn on SRProgress events
In your HasEvent handler for this event, you may obtain the ChantDialog constant from the event ID property and the Dragon dialog exitCode value from the event Flags property.
private void NChantSR1_HasEvent(object sender, Chant.SpeechKit.HasEventArgs e)
// Get the number of events
int numberOfEvents = NChantSR1.GetResourceCount(ChantSpeechResource.CSREvent, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; i++)
// Get the event from the event queue
NChantSREvent nChantSREvent = NChantSR1.GetChantSREvent(0);
switch (nChantSREvent.ChantCallback)
case ChantCallback.CCSRProgress:
progressBar1.Value = nChantSREvent.Progress;
// nChantSREvent.ID is the ChantDialog constant
// nChantSREvent.Flags is the exit code
// Remove the event from the event queue
NChantSR1.RemoveResource(ChantSpeechResource.CSREvent, 0, "");
LRESULT CBackupDlg::DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
if (m_pChantSR != NULL)
if (message == m_HasEvent)
CString compilerMsg;
CString sText;
CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit* )GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
if (pEdit != NULL)
// Get the number of events
int numberOfEvents = m_pChantSR->GetResourceCount(CSREvent, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; i++)
// Get the event from the event queue
CChantSREvent* pChantSREvent = m_pChantSR->GetChantSREvent(0);
switch (pChantSREvent->GetChantCallback())
case CCSRProgress:
// pChantSREvent->GetID() is the ChantDialog constant
// pChantSREvent->GetFlags() is the exit code
// Remove the event from the event queue
m_pChantSR->RemoveResource(CSREvent, 0, L"");
// Delete the C++ wrapper class object
delete pChantSREvent;
pChantSREvent = NULL;
return CDialog::DefWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);
void __fastcall TForm1::OnHasEvent(TMessage& msg)
int numberOfEvents = ChantSR1->GetResourceCount(CSREvent,0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; i++)
// Get the event from the event queue
CChantSREvent* pEvent = ChantSR1->GetChantSREvent(0);
switch (pEvent->GetChantCallback())
case CCSRProgress:
// pEvent->GetID() is the ChantDialog constant
// pEvent->GetFlags() is the exit code
// Remove the event from the event queue
delete pEvent;
procedure TForm1.OnHasEvent(var msg: TMessage);
aTChantSREvent: TChantSREvent;
i: Integer;
numberOfEvents := ChantSR1.GetResourceCount(CSREvent,0,0);
for i := 0 to numberOfEvents - 1 do
// Get the event from the event queue
aTChantSREvent := ChantSR1.GetChantSREvent(0);
case tEvent.ChantCallback of
// aTChantSREvent.ID is the ChantDialog constant
// aTChantSREvent.Flags is the exit code
// Remove the event from the event queue
public void hasEvent(Object obj1, Object obj2)
// Get the event
JChantSREvent jevent = JChantSR1.getChantSREvent(0);
if (jevent != null)
int callback = jevent.getChantCallback();
default :
case ChantCallback.CCSRProgress :
// jevent.getID() is the ChantDialog constant
// jevent.getFlags() is the exit code
JChantSR1.removeResource(ChantSpeechResource.CSREvent, 0, "");
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" for="WChantSR1" event="HasEvent"><!--
var wChantSREvent;
var chantLM = document.getElementById('WChantSR1');
// Get the number of events
numberOfEvents = chantLM.GetResourceCount(CSREvent);
for (i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; i++)
// Get the event from the event queue
wChantSREvent = chantPM.GetResource(CSREvent, 0);
switch (wChantSREvent.ChantCallback)
case CCSRProgress:
// wChantSREvent.ID is the ChantDialog constant
// wChantSREvent.Flags is the exit code
// Remove the event from the event queue
chantLM.RemoveResource(CSREvent, 0, "", "", 0);
Private Sub XChantSR1_HasEvent()
Dim oChantSREvent As XChantSREvent
' Get the event from the event queue
Set oChantSREvent = XChantSR1.GetResource(CSREvent, 0)
' Process the type of callback event
Select Case oChantSREvent.ChantCallback
Case CCSRProgress
ProgressBar1.Value = oChantSREvent.Progress
' oChantSREvent.ID is the ChantDialog constant
' oChantSREvent.Flags is the exit code
Case Else
End Select
' Remove the event from the event queue
XChantSR1.RemoveResource CSREvent, 0
End Sub
Private Sub NChantSR1_HasEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Chant.SpeechKit.HasEventArgs) Handles NChantSR1.HasEvent
Dim I As Integer
Dim numberOfEvents As Integer
Dim nChantSREvent As NChantSREvent
' Get the number of events
numberOfEvents = NChantSR1.GetResourceCount(ChantSpeechResource.CSREvent, 0, 0)
For I = 0 To numberOfEvents - 1
' Get the event from the event queue
nChantSREvent = NChantSR1.GetChantSREvent(0)
Select Case nChantSREvent.ChantCallback
Case ChantCallback.CCSRProgress
' nChantSREvent.ID is the ChantDialog constant
' nChantSREvent.Flags is the exit code
End Select
' Remove the event from the event queue
NChantSR1.RemoveResource(ChantSpeechResource.CSREvent, 0, "")
End Sub