How do I develop applications that do more with Cepstral Speech Technology?
Last reviewed: 7/8/2022
HOW Article ID: H072210
The information in this article applies to:
- LexiconKit 8
- SpeechKit 11
- VoiceMarkupKit 8
Explore ways to do more with Cepstral Speech Technology.
More Information
Chant Developer Workbench 2022 includes LexiconKit to generate pronunciations for synthesis clarity, SpeechKit to synthesize text to speech, and VoiceMarkupKit to markup text for tailored speech synthesis. It also provides an interative toolset for editing and testing Cepstral lexicons, speech synthesis, and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).
Develop applications that do more with Cepstral Speech Technology
Generate pronunciation phonemes with LexiconKit to use with SSML for Cepstral voices.
// Instantiate LexiconKit
NLexiconKit _LexiconKit = new NLexiconKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
NSwiftSynthesizer _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit.CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Generate phonemes
string _Phonemes = _Synthesizer.GeneratePhonemes("tomato", "Noun");
// Instantiate LexiconKit object
CLexiconKit* _LexiconKit = new CLexiconKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
CSwiftSynthesizer* _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit->CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Generate phonemes
wchar_t* _Phonemes = _Synthesizer->GeneratePhonemes(L"tomato", L"Noun");
// Instantiate LexiconKit
CLexiconKit* _LexiconKit = new CLexiconKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
CSwiftSynthesizer* _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit->CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Generate phonemes
String _Phonemes = _Synthesizer->GeneratePhonemes("tomato", "Noun");
_LexiconKit: TLexiconKit;
_Synthesizer: TSwiftSynthesizer;
_Phonemes: string;
// Instantiate LexiconKit
_LexiconKit := TLexiconKit.Create();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
_Synthesizer := _LexiconKit.CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Generate phonemes
_Phonemes := _Synthesizer.GeneratePhonemes('tomato', 'Noun');
// Instantiate LexiconKit
JLexiconKit _LexiconKit = new JLexiconKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
JSwiftSynthesizer _Synthesizer = _LexiconKit.createSwiftSynthesizer();
// Generate phonemes
String _Phonemes = _Synthesizer.generatePhonemes("tomato", ""Noun");
Dim _LexiconKit As NLexiconKit
Dim WithEvents _Synthesizer As NSwiftSynthesizer
Dim _Phonemes As String
' Instantiate LexiconKit
_LexiconKit = New NLexiconKit()
' Set credentials
' Create synthesizer
_Synthesizer = _LexiconKit.CreateSwiftSynthesizer()
' Generate phonemes
_Phonemes = _Synthesizer.GeneratePhonemes("tomato", "Noun")
Generate text to speech with SpeechKit for playback or persistence to a file.
// Instantiate SpeechKit
NSpeechKit _SpeechKit = new NSpeechKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
NSwiftSynthesizer _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Synthesize speech for playback
_Synthesizer.Speak("Hello world.", (int)SWIFTSPEAKFLAGS.SWIFT_ASYNC);
// Synthesize speech to file
_Synthesizer.Speak("Hello world.", (int)SWIFTSPEAKFLAGS.SWIFT_ASYNC, "myaudio.wav", (int)SPSTREAMFORMAT.SPSF_Default);
// Instantiate SpeechKit
CSpeechKit* _SpeechKit = new CSpeechKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
CSwiftSynthesizer* _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit->CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Synthesize speech for playback
_Synthesizer->Speak(L"Hello world.", SWIFT_ASYNC);
// Synthesize speech to file
_Synthesizer->Speak(L"Hello world.", SWIFT_ASYNC, L"myaudio.wav", SPSF_Default);
// Instantiate SpeechKit
CSpeechKit* _SpeechKit = new CSpeechKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
CSwiftSynthesizer* _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit->CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Synthesize speech for playback
_Synthesizer->Speak("Hello world.", SWIFT_ASYNC);
// Synthesize speech to file
_Synthesizer->Speak("Hello world.", SWIFT_ASYNC, "myaudio.wav", SPSF_Default);
_SpeechKit: TSpeechKit;
_Synthesizer: TSwiftSynthesizer;
_Phonemes: string;
// Instantiate SpeechKit
_SpeechKit := TSpeechKit.Create();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
_Synthesizer := _SpeechKit.CreateSwiftSynthesizer();
// Synthesize speech for playback
_Synthesizer.Speak('Hello world.', SWIFT_ASYNC);
// Synthesize speech to file
_Synthesizer.Speak('Hello world.', SWIFT_ASYNC, 'myaudio.wav', SPSF_Default);
// Instantiate SpeechKit
JSpeechKit _SpeechKit = new JSpeechKit();
// Set credentials
// Create synthesizer
JSwiftSynthesizer _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.createSwiftSynthesizer();
// Synthesize speech for playback
_Synthesizer.speak("Hello world.", SWIFT_ASYNC);
// Synthesize speech to file
_Synthesizer.speak("Hello world.", SWIFT_ASYNC, "myaudio.wav", SPSTREAMFORMAT.SPSF_Default);
Dim _SpeechKit As NSpeechKit
Dim WithEvents _Synthesizer As NSwiftSynthesizer
' Instantiate SpeechKit
_SpeechKit = New NSpeechKit()
' Set credentials
' Create synthesizer
_Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.CreateSwiftSynthesizer()
' Synthesize speech for playback
_Synthesizer.Speak("Hello world.", SWIFTSPEAKFLAGS.SWIFT_ASYNC)
' Synthesize speech to file
_Synthesizer.Speak("Hello world.", SWIFTSPEAKFLAGS.SWIFT_ASYNC, "myaudio.wav", SPSTREAMFORMAT.SPSF_Default)
Generate Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) with VoiceMarkupKit to tailor speech synthesis.
NVoiceMarkupKit _VoiceMarkupKit = new NVoiceMarkupKit();
NW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup = _VoiceMarkupKit.CreateW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup();
string markup = _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup.GenerateMarkup("Rate", "5", "This text is spoken above the baseline at rate of five");
CVoiceMarkupKit* _VoiceMarkupKit = new CVoiceMarkupKit();
CW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup* _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup = _VoiceMarkupKit->CreateW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup();
wchar_t* markup = _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup->GenerateMarkup(L"Rate", L"5", L"This text is spoken above the baseline at rate of five");
CVoiceMarkupKit* _VoiceMarkupKit = new CVoiceMarkupKit();
CW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup* _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup = _VoiceMarkupKit->CreateW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup();
string markup = _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup->GenerateMarkup("Rate", "5", "This text is spoken above the baseline at rate of five");
_VoiceMarkupKit: TVoiceMarkupKit;
_W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup: TW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup;
markup: string;
_VoiceMarkupKit := TVoiceMarkupKit.Create();
_W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup := _VoiceMarkupKit.CreateW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup();
markup = _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup.GenerateMarkup('Rate', '5', 'This text is spoken above the baseline at rate of five');
JVoiceMarkupKit _VoiceMarkupKit = new JVoiceMarkupKit();
JW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup = _VoiceMarkupKit.createW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup();
String markup = _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup.generateMarkup("Rate", "5", "This text is spoken above the baseline at rate of five");
Dim _VoiceMarkupKit As NVoiceMarkupKit = Nothing
Dim _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup As NW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup = Nothing
Dim markup as String
_VoiceMarkupKit = New NVoiceMarkupKit()
_W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup = _VoiceMarkupKit.CreateW3CSSMLVoiceMarkup()
markup = _W3CSSMLVoiceMarkup.GenerateMarkup("Rate", "5", "This text is spoken above the baseline at rate of five")
Develop and test applications that do more with Cepstral Speech Technology
Developers use Chant Developer Workbench with LexiconKit to create and edit Cepstral lexicons, SpeechKit to test and analyze speech synthesis, and with VoiceMarkupKit to create, edit, and test Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).
Use LexiconKit to create and edit a lexicon of word pronunciations for Cepstral voices.

Use SpeechKit to test and analyze speech synthesis with Cepstral voices.

Use VoiceMarkupKit to create and edit SSML with Cepstral voices.