How do I speak with Cepstral Telephony 6?
Last reviewed: 7/15/2015
HOW Article ID: H071501
The information in this article applies to:
- Chant Developer Workbench 2015
- LexiconKit 5
- ProfileKit 5
- SpeechKit 8
- VoiceMarkupKit 5
- VoiceXMLKit 2
Chant Developer Workbench provides support for Cepstral Telephony 6.
More Information
Chant Developer Workbench supports synthesizing with Cepstral Telephony 6 voices.
Both 32-bit and 64-bit applications can synthesize Cepstral Telephony 6 voices.
To audition Cepstral Telephony 6 voices, discuss your application requirements and request an evaluation SDK from sales at Cepstral +1 (412) 432-0400.
The voice can be selected by setting the CSPEngine property to voice name once the API is initialized.
For native SWIFT API access, the Chant classes attempt to load the swift.dll runtime library from Cepstral default installation C:\Program Files\Cepstral\bin (Win32 and Win64) directory. If the libraries fail to load, the Chant classes attempt to load the libraries from the current working directory.
If you installed the Cepstral runtime directory to a custom location, then set the path in the Chant Developer Workbench IDE as follows:
- select the View Options... menu item;
- select the Speech Synthesizers node under Environment;
- select the Cepstral node;
- click the open folders button (...) for Cepstral Telephony 6 to select an engine path (e.g., C:\Program Files\Cepstral\bin); and
- click the OK button to save your path.
If you installed the Cepstral runtime directory to a custom location, then set the CNPEngineAPI and CSPEnginePath properties after instantiating the Chant class object in your applications as follows:
private Chant.SpeechKit.NChantTTS NChantTTS1;
// Instantiate NChantTTS object
NChantTTS1 = new NChantTTS();
NChantTTS1.SetNumberProperty(ChantNumberProperty.CNPEngineAPI, (int)ChantEngineAPI.CESWIFTTTS);
NChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(ChantStringProperty.CSPEnginePath, "C:\\Program Files\\Cepstral\\bin");
CChantTTS* pChantTTS; // ChantTTS object
// Instantiate ChantTTS object
pChantTTS = new CChantTTS();
pChantTTS->SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CESWIFTTTS);
pChantTTS->SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, L"C:\\Program Files\\Cepstral\\bin");
CChantTTS* pChantTTS; // ChantTTS object
// Instantiate ChantTTS object
pChantTTS = new CChantTTS();
pChantTTS->SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CESWIFTTTS);
pChantTTS->SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, "C:\\Program Files\\Cepstral\\bin");
ChantTTS1: TChantTTS;
// Instantiate ChantTTS object
ChantTTS1 := TChantTTS.Create();
ChantTTS1.SetNumberProperty(CNPEngineAPI, CESWIFTTTS);
ChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(CSPEnginePath, 'C:\\Program Files\\Cepstral\\bin');
private JChantTTS JChantTTS1;
// Instantiate ChantTTS object
JChantTTS1 = new JChantTTS();
JChantTTS1.setNumberProperty(ChantNumberProperty.CNPEngineAPI, ChantEngineAPI.CESWIFTTTS);
JChantTTS1.setStringProperty(ChantStringProperty.CSPEnginePath, "C:\\Program Files\\Cepstral\\bin");
Dim WithEvents NChantTTS1 As NChantTTS
' Instantiate ChantTTS object
NChantTTS1 = New NChantTTS()
NChantTTS1.SetNumberProperty(ChantNumberProperty.CNPEngineAPI, ChantEngineAPI.CESWIFTTTS)
NChantTTS1.SetStringProperty(ChantStringProperty.CSPEnginePath, "C:\Program Files\Cepstral\bin")