How do I develop applications that speak, listen, and interact?
Last reviewed: 6/1/2014
HOW Article ID: H061409
The information in this article applies to:
- Chant Developer Workbench 2014
- GrammarKit 5
- KinesicsKit 2
- LexiconKit 5
- ProfileKit 5
- SpeechKit 8
- VoiceMarkupKit 5
- VoiceXMLKit 2
Take advantage of Chant Developer Workbench 2014 modern UI, advanced syntax editors, and resource browsers to design, edit, and test grammars, lexicons, markup, profiles, and voiceXML.
More Information
Chant Developer Workbench is comprised of essential tools and class libraries for developing software that speaks, listens, and interacts with users.
It provides an IDE for developing and interactively testing speech and natural user interface technologies
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, GrammarKit enables you to:
- Create and edit grammars in native grammar syntax;
- Generate word pronunciation phonemes;
- Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
- Compile and debug grammars; and
- Test grammars with live and recorded audio, and text simulation (requires SpeechKit).

Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, KinesicsKit enables you to:
- Enumerate Microsoft Kinect sensors;
- Render and analyze color, depth, and skeleton data;
- Trace sensor events; and
- Test application movement tracking functions.

Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, LexiconKit enables you to:
- Create and edit W3C lexicons (.pls);
- Create and edit Cepstral lexicon file (.txt);
- Create and edit Nuance Vocalizer and VoCon user dictionary text file (.dct);
- Create, edit, export, and delete SAPI 5 user and application lexicons;
- Generate word pronunciation phonemes; and
- Edit word pronunciation phonemes.

Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, ProfileKit enables you to:
- Create and delete speaker profiles;
- Enumerate speaker profiles; and
- Invoke recognizer built-in speaker training;
- Design and test custom speaker training;

Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, SpeechKit enables you to:
- Enumerate audio devices and speech engines for selection and testing of audio-, recognizer-, and synthesizer-specific features;
- Trace audio, recognition, and synthesis events;
- Support grammar activation and testing (requires GrammarKit); and
- Support TTS markup playback (requires VoiceMarkupKit).

Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, VoiceMarkupKit enables you to:
- Create and edit documents with TTS markup;
- Generate TTS markup;
- Generate word pronunciation phonemes;
- Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit); and
- Playback text with TTS markup (requires SpeechKit).

Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, VoiceXMLKit enables you to:
- Create and edit VoiceXML documents;
- Test VoiceXML documents with microphone audio and keypad data; and
- Trace runtime events.