How do I design and test speech synthesis apps?
Last reviewed: 5/1/2020
HOW Article ID: H052006
The information in this article applies to:
- SpeechKit 9
Chant Developer Workbench provides you powerful prototyping and testing environment to model and validate your application code for managing synthesizers.
More Information
Managing synthesizers for speech synthesis is an application runtime function. Chant SpeechKit class libraries handle the complexities of speech synthesis and minimize the programming efforts necessary to construct software that speaks.
Chant Developer Workbench provides you powerful prototyping and testing environment to model and validate your application code for managing synthesizers.
Within Chant Developer Workbench, you can open the Speech Synthesizer browser testing and trace callback events. This enables you to model and test your synthesizer use before, during, and after integrating code in your applications.

Use the Synthesizer browser to test speech syntesis as follows:
- Select the View - Speech Synthesizers menu item to open the synthesizer browser that lists the current speech synthensizers detected on the system.
- Select the desired Speech API.
- Select the desired Speech Synthesizer.
- Select desired audio destination by either entering a file name and checking File or checking Speakers for live playback.
- Enter the text to be synthesized.
- Press the Start button to start speech synthesis.
- Optionally, press the Stop button to interrupt and stop speech synthesis.
Within Chant Developer Workbench UWP, you can open the Speech Synthesizer browser testing and trace callback events. This enables you to model and test your synthesizer use before, during, and after integrating code in your applications.