Last reviewed: 3/23/2024 12:21:38 PM
VoiceXML Syntax Quick Reference
VoiceXML documents are expressed with XML elements and attributes. The following VoiceXML documents elements may be used:
- <assign>,
- <audio>,
- <block>,
- <catch>,
- <choice>,
- <clear>,
- <!--comment-->,
- <data>,
- <disconnect>,
- <dtmf>,
- <else>,
- <elseif>,
- <enumerate>,
- <error>,
- <exit>,
- <field>,
- <filled>,
- <foreach>,
- <form>,
- <goto>,
- <grammar>,
- <help>,
- <if>,
- <initial>,
- <link>,
- <log>,
- <menu>,
- <meta>,
- <metadata>,
- <noinput>,
- <nomatch>,
- <object>,
- <option>,
- <param>,
- <prompt>,
- <property>,
- <record>,
- <reprompt>,
- <return>,
- <script>,
- <subdialog>,
- <submit>,
- <throw>, and
- <transfer>, and
- <value>, and
- <var>, and
- <vxml>.
VoiceXML specifications source:
- VoiceXML 1.0,
- VoiceXML 2.0, and
- VoiceXML 2.1.
A quick reference for W3C grammar syntax can be found in the Chant GrammarKit Grammar Syntax Quick Reference documentation.
A quick reference for the W3C speech synthesis markup language (SSML) can be found in the Chant VoiceMarkupKit Markup Syntax Quick Reference documentation.